22.02.2013, 00:28
Последний раз редактировалось thefatshizms; 22.02.2013 в 21:52.
What is this?
This is the most useless piece of poop you will find in this filterscript forum. It was inspired from this pretty awesome fs https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=235383
This filterscript demonstrates how powerful boredem is!
What does it do?
Basically a large cow appears in front ( In their face ) of a random player then playing a nice little sound ( exorcist scream ) and disappears within 2 seconds that's it
To be honest this should of been released around an hour ago but as the exorcist is my worse fear it took time for my balls to grow back.

In the new version it now sets your weather to raining and stormy ( weather id 8 ) and time to midnight then sets it back
In the end it's probably useless and I don't even know why I made this. May not be scary to you but that scream still scares me!
None found, although wasn't tested with more than one players
Hiddos for the inspiration
This is the most useless piece of poop you will find in this filterscript forum. It was inspired from this pretty awesome fs https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=235383
This filterscript demonstrates how powerful boredem is!
What does it do?
Basically a large cow appears in front ( In their face ) of a random player then playing a nice little sound ( exorcist scream ) and disappears within 2 seconds that's it


In the new version it now sets your weather to raining and stormy ( weather id 8 ) and time to midnight then sets it back
In the end it's probably useless and I don't even know why I made this. May not be scary to you but that scream still scares me!
None found, although wasn't tested with more than one players
Hiddos for the inspiration