[FilterScript] Dynamic Box [Vip System/Help System/2 previous script all in dBox!]

Dynamic Box - All Script (Previous Script) all in one!

Last Updated: February 22, 2013

Total Commands: 54


The project starts on February 14, 2013 and later announce in SA-MP Forums (i don't remember the date)

The project was later declare as "Dynamic Box" or "dSource"
My greatest script that I've ever made. The dBox contains 4 scripts all in one.
And later it will be added more. The following are

We got A-Spam/Forbid Word - Fixed the timer and changed the saving system to Y_INI
Reaction Contest Creator - Settings are now configable in-game and changed the saving system to Y_INI
RomVip - VIP System idea from my RomAdmin. Ranks are configable also the Chat Symbol are configable.
RomHelp - Additional features of RomVip. [/accepthelp, /denyhelp | for players: /helpme]


Dynamic Box Package is one my best series in my scripts.
For me, It is the best, yet, It has a very great features.
That you can Disable or Enable my previous scripts without SendRconCommand.

Plus, You can edit the config of the script through in-game.
Unlike the original script, You need to go in script to edit the config.

The define in scripts has been converted into editable through file saving
This is has been fixed and make it possible with dSource with the help of YSI Library.
dSource is one of my best creation (another called for dBox).
dSource is edited version of Reaction Contest Creator. And modified to more
faster includes. Many bugs from previous version has been fixed by dSource.

dSource is one of my script who uses y_command for the first time.
dSource has modified the system of previous script. Example,
If the player edited a part of previous script, dSource will reload it so that.
The information will be refreshed. To avoid some problems.

dSource works very fast since it uses YSI library.


Colorful Color in /vips
Colorful messages in some commands of VIP
Configable VIP Ranks and Chat Symbol
Configable Settings for All Scripts
Fixed some bugs from Previous Scripts
Listing of Helpers and VIPs are on dialog
Listing of Commands are on dialog
A VIP Chat with Colorful Colors
Simple Spectating with Keys
A VIP Vehicle Label when doing such as /vcar, /vboat etc..
A VIP Armour when spawn
A VIP Vehicle Protection (Only VIP can enter VIP Vehicles)
/vips and /helpers showing Totals of VIPs and Helpers

Include (dbox.inc)

dbox.pwn uses some function in dbox.inc.
There is one function which is used in debugging last time. Which is GetPlayerVip. It doesn't work yet.
Still, i need a person to fix that function.

pawn Code:
GetPlayerVip(playerid, level);
So don't use that function yet. But if you will ask me. Almost all of the function in the include works.
So you don't need to worry about it.


Extract the scripts in your server folder.

Now open server.cfg

in server.cfg you will something like this


echo Executing Server Config...
lanmode 1
rcon_password 1
maxplayers 30
port 25565
hostname 0.3e
gamemode0 Untitled
filterscripts flymode
plugins whirlpool
announce 1
query 1
weburl www.samp-stunt4life.webs.com
onfoot_rate 40
incar_rate 40
weapon_rate 40
stream_distance 1000.0
stream_rate 1000
maxnpc 3
logtimeformat [%H:%M:%S]


Change it the line

plugins to this


filterscripts flymode dbox
plugins sscanf whirlpool streamer

Commands (54)








You've any suggestions?.
Post in the topic and i will read it. And will approve or disapprove or pend it.

Report Bug

If you found bug.
Please post it in the topic. And i will read it and will check for the bug.

Next Ideas

My new idea is to add

Announcement Message every (configable mileseconds, addable Messages)
And update RomVip.


Note: Before i release or do a update link i always now update the plugins and include of the script.

dBox [dSource] [0.3x] (SolideFiles)
dBox [dSource] [0.3x] (Pastebin)

Good work. Congratulations on your Efforts.

Note - That's perfect. Love it.


Thank you.

Oh wow! cool! D;

Thank you

Looks great

Super cool bro!
It is nice, Would you release it for 0.3z?

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