simple question about vehicles

I have one simple questions about vehicles:

If I respawn all vehicles (Using SetVehicleToRespawn native), does it change/affect their vehicleid?

There will be some vehicles which WON'T respawn.

Does anybody know if respawning vehicles changes their vehicleid? There will be a few vehicles which won't be respawned.

There's a chance it could, I believe. For example, if you have vehicle ID's 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8- where 5 is unoccupied, and you respawn vehicle ID 8, it will probably fill spot 5.

Ahh damn it.

Thanks anyway.

I just tried it ingame.

I deleted vehicles etc - all current vehicles stayed the same ID. If i created a new vehicle it would take up the old spots.

Thank god - it would of caused a few problems for me if they took each other's IDs.

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