[Include] GEO-IP (GEOIP) V2 | Supports States and Cities

Thank you for v2.1 (especially the isotype thing).

Would be nice to make one version using MySQL.

Also, add fake natives:
pawn Код:
/*native GetPlayerLocation(playerid, Country[],isotype=2);
native GetPlayerCountry(playerid,isotype=2);*/
^ add them somewhere in include.

Originally Posted by costel_nistor96
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Thank you for v2.1 (especially the isotype thing).

Would be nice to make one version using MySQL.

Also, add fake natives:
pawn Код:
/*native GetPlayerLocation(playerid, Country[],isotype=2);
native GetPlayerCountry(playerid,isotype=2);*/
^ add them somewhere in include.

I was thinking about using MySQL based DB when I started working on v2.0 but then I thought maybe I should keep it mainstream by NOT using any plugins (MySQL) and stuff. So, I arranged the whole thing into a SQLite database.

But, now I think I should really make a newer version with MySQL based DB as it will be much faster (especially when Querying with SUCH a BIG DB) than SQLite.

I'll start working on it as soon as I am done with the things I'm busy with and those that are pending (including my study work and exams :P)

About the fake natives, I'll surely put them in next release.

Have a Nice Day
-Abhinav Dabral
ALIAS: Code Wave (fb.me/CodeWave)

Looks good, nice work.

Quick Update : GEO-IP's Final version will be released in or after April, 2013. Stay Tuned !!

Originally Posted by Lordz™
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Looks good, nice work.
Thank You !!

April ? Why not March ? :] What do you want to add in the final version ?

Originally Posted by costel_nistor96
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April ? Why not March ? :] What do you want to add in the final version ?
Mainly it will be faster, update-able, bug-free and till then development suggestions (for additional features) are also welcomed. And, if at all it will have any bugs, I'll fix them and I'll close this project and make it self sufficient forever (or till whenever it could/would work).

So, Final version, will be a FINAL version.

That's all I can tell about it for now.

It will be released in April, because I've got exams right now and I'll be done with them in April.

^ Now that's the plan, let's see what happens.

Abhinav Dabral
aka CODE Wave

Damn, I feel insecure, inb4 someone releases an include to get my street and apartment name too.
Good job!

If it's such a big database, have you thought about uploading it to a webhost and using the HTTP() function to receive the data you want?

Edit: Though that would probably mean threading your code :/

Originally Posted by Hiddos
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If it's such a big database, have you thought about uploading it to a webhost and using the HTTP() function to receive the data you want?

Edit: Though that would probably mean threading your code :/
I've got multiple things right now in mind. And yes, HTTP was the first thing I thought of (But, if I redirect the whole traffic to a single webhost, then it might get laggy at times, so I have to take care of that too. Maybe, users can use their own web-host or something much better and faster). I'll try all of that later, after I'm done with my exams :/

Knock knock ! It's april !

Or the end of april ?

Originally Posted by costel_nistor96
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Knock knock ! It's april !

Or the end of april ?

Now, I'm going to start working on it. Please have some patience.... I'll get back to this thread soon.

I'm going to use same fields as before (the ones used in v2.1). I was planning to use ISP field, but since I cannot find any database or something with "FREE" license so, I'm not going to work on that. IF AT ALL, anybody does have some Free Licensed IP to ISP database, then please post it to me (PM me or reply to this thread).

See you all soon.

Only admins can see it or everyone ?

Originally Posted by d0nTtoucH
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Only admins can see it or everyone ?
It depends on how you wish to use it. It'll just give you the strings pulled out from the Database, just put them wherever you feel like.

i dont know how to make it only for admin

please can you help me to add geo ip on my server

Hy. I observe that country name is with caps lock (e.g: ROMANIA). I want to appear Romania not ROMANIA, how i can do this?

Originally Posted by Poschi
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Hy. I observe that country name is with caps lock (e.g: ROMANIA). I want to appear Romania not ROMANIA, how i can do this?
pawn Код:
for( new i = strlen( COUNTRYVARIABLE ) - 1; i > 0; i -- )
    COUNTRYVARIABLE[ i ] = tolower( COUNTRY_VARIABLE[ i ] );

working fine but after 2 mint's server restart himself any fixed for it ?

someone answer me and tell me how to fix it ?

Alternative links available?

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