Always display a dynamic checkpoint...?

I searched several different queries, but couldn't seem to come up with a valid solution. Perhaps someone else has done this...

Basically, I'm using dynamic checkpoints for a system I'm writing. There comes a point where the player is told to go to a certain location to dump everything they picked up. Obviously dynamic CP's only work at a certain stream distance. While I'm aware that SetPlayerCheckpoint will show them the CP at all times, it seems to be colliding with the checkpoint streamer (Incognito's, to be exact). That isn't an unexpected result, I know how the streamer works.

The question is... How can I make a dynamic CP visible no matter where the player is on the map? If it isn't a dynamic CP, how can I make it so the systems don't collide...?

You can create a player map icon with that red square as the id, and still just use that same checkpoint system.

Seems like the best option. Thanks.

or use a race checkpoint ^^
hm... the mapicon is a sweet suggestion, i will write my idea nevertheless:
the streamed checkpoints will interfer as long they are in visible range - by setting the trash-CP's streamdistance to 0.0 - and the dump to like 10000.0 units.
i dont know how the streamer reacts to that, nor i can predict if/how much CPU time it eats. i guess its a pain in the butt to loop through all CPs except one.

oh, Vincent, you forgot to mention the SetPlayerMapIcon got a parameter which shows a little red checkpoint aswell: use MAPICON_GLOBAL_CHECKPOINT, but i guess RealCop aint too lazy to figure it out? heheh

I'm not too sure, but I think SetPlayerCheckPoint conflicts with the plugin ;/

I tried race checkpoints as well, Babul. However, as VincentDunn said, they collide and it just causes a huge problem.

I did the SetPlayerMapIcon idea, with the parameter Babul mentioned, but didn't see a CP- just the map icon.

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