Deleting then re-creating objects on timers

Basically I am working on a script for a firealarm that will be located in any major building, faction HQ, house, etcetra in my roleplay server. Now, I have all the sounds working perfectly fine; however how would I go about making two objects (red and white lights via the PointLight objects) flash on times of 500ms? This is simple but it is messing with my head after a long night.

Any and all assistance will be greatly appreciated (but rep not guaranteed unless you deserve it)


pawn Код:
//The Timer Which will destroy bla bla,
pawn Код:
//this will be the variable which will check for the flash
new Flashing;
pawn Код:
forward flash();
public flash()
if(Flashing == 1)//We are checking for the object status
//Un-comment the lines bellow with the objects
//CreateObject(//first object bla bla
//CreateObject(//bla bla
else if(Flashing == 0)//We are checking for the object status
//Un-comment the lines bellow with the objects
//DestroyObject(//Destroying the first object
//CreateObject(//Destroying the Second object

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