Server Crash After Opening

Hi, i had this problem a few months ago, but no one answered me...
So, i decided to make another gamemode. I worked some time on it but i had the same problem, crash after opening.
I tryed the script on windows xp, vista, 7 and 8, but the same error. And yes, on vista/7/8 i selected run as administrator.
I made another small script to show u the crash, this is the script:
This is the crash report
SA-MP Server: 0.3x

Exception At Address: 0x00403334 Module: (samp-server.exe)


EAX: 0x00006882	EBX: 0x00000000	ECX: 0x000011A7	EDX: 0x02E61964
ESI: 0x01FB4518	EDI: 0x00000065	EBP: 0x01FB4518	ESP: 0x0012FDB8
EFLAGS: 0x00010283


+0000: 0x01446290   0x0012FE14   0x00403684   0x02E61964
+0010: 0x01FB4518   0x00000000   0x00000000   0x7FFFFFFF
+0020: 0x00000064   0x01C12836   0x76EDEF66   0x00000000
+0030: 0x0047D441   0x01446290   0x0012FE14   0x0012FE18
+0040: 0x01FB4518   0x02E61964   0x00000000   0x76EDEFA0
+0050: 0x01390910   0x3BA76D09   0x0053EF90   0x0011E6DC
+0060: 0x02E61964   0x00000065   0x00000000   0x0048C527
+0070: 0x76EDF26E   0x00000000   0x3BA76D09   0x00488AFD
+0080: 0x00000000   0x00001DB0   0x0012FF88   0x7FFD5000
+0090: 0x00005000   0x00010101   0x00000064   0x00001E61
+00A0: 0x00000078   0x00000F6C   0x01390910   0x656D6167
+00B0: 0x65646F6D   0x00003531   0x004BC014   0x004BC010
+00C0: 0x7FFD5000   0x004A5030   0x0012FE70   0x0012FF78
+00D0: 0x0012FF78   0x00496EB8   0x004B27F8   0xFFFFFFFF
+00E0: 0x00495151   0x00495161   0x004A5030   0x0012FF78
+00F0: 0x004A4CE1   0xFFFFFFFF   0x00496956   0x00000001
+0100: 0x01531408   0x01531450   0x00000094   0x00000006
+0110: 0x00000001   0x00001DB0   0x00000002   0x00000000
+0120: 0x00000000   0x00000000   0x00000000   0x00000000
+0130: 0x00000000   0x00000000   0x00000000   0x00000000


Loaded Modules:

samp-server.exe	A: 0x00400000 - 0x004F5000	(C:\Users\Vlad\Desktop\Sa-Mp Server\samp-server.exe)
ntdll.dll	A: 0x77260000 - 0x7739C000	(C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll)
kernel32.dll	A: 0x76E90000 - 0x76F64000	(C:\Windows\system32\kernel32.dll)
KERNELBASE.dll	A: 0x754E0000 - 0x7552A000	(C:\Windows\system32\KERNELBASE.dll)
SHELL32.dll	A: 0x75880000 - 0x764C9000	(C:\Windows\system32\SHELL32.dll)
msvcrt.dll	A: 0x76FB0000 - 0x7705C000	(C:\Windows\system32\msvcrt.dll)
SHLWAPI.dll	A: 0x76C90000 - 0x76CE7000	(C:\Windows\system32\SHLWAPI.dll)
GDI32.dll	A: 0x76BF0000 - 0x76C3E000	(C:\Windows\system32\GDI32.dll)
USER32.dll	A: 0x764D0000 - 0x76599000	(C:\Windows\system32\USER32.dll)
LPK.dll	A: 0x773B0000 - 0x773BA000	(C:\Windows\system32\LPK.dll)
USP10.dll	A: 0x773C0000 - 0x7745D000	(C:\Windows\system32\USP10.dll)
WSOCK32.dll	A: 0x719C0000 - 0x719C7000	(C:\Windows\system32\WSOCK32.dll)
WS2_32.dll	A: 0x76F70000 - 0x76FA5000	(C:\Windows\system32\WS2_32.dll)
RPCRT4.dll	A: 0x769C0000 - 0x76A61000	(C:\Windows\system32\RPCRT4.dll)
NSI.dll	A: 0x773A0000 - 0x773A6000	(C:\Windows\system32\NSI.dll)
WINMM.dll	A: 0x73820000 - 0x73852000	(C:\Windows\system32\WINMM.dll)
IMM32.DLL	A: 0x76990000 - 0x769AF000	(C:\Windows\system32\IMM32.DLL)
MSCTF.dll	A: 0x757B0000 - 0x7587C000	(C:\Windows\system32\MSCTF.dll)
mswsock.dll	A: 0x74E70000 - 0x74EAC000	(C:\Windows\system32\mswsock.dll)
wshtcpip.dll	A: 0x74900000 - 0x74905000	(C:\Windows\System32\wshtcpip.dll)
NLAapi.dll	A: 0x73770000 - 0x73780000	(C:\Windows\system32\NLAapi.dll)
DNSAPI.dll	A: 0x74D30000 - 0x74D74000	(C:\Windows\system32\DNSAPI.dll)
winrnr.dll	A: 0x6E110000 - 0x6E118000	(C:\Windows\System32\winrnr.dll)
napinsp.dll	A: 0x6E100000 - 0x6E110000	(C:\Windows\system32\napinsp.dll)
sechost.dll	A: 0x77470000 - 0x77489000	(C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\sechost.dll)
pnrpnsp.dll	A: 0x6E0E0000 - 0x6E0F2000	(C:\Windows\system32\pnrpnsp.dll)
WLIDNSP.DLL	A: 0x6F630000 - 0x6F657000	(C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Windows Live\WLIDNSP.DLL)
ADVAPI32.dll	A: 0x756B0000 - 0x75750000	(C:\Windows\system32\ADVAPI32.dll)
PSAPI.DLL	A: 0x769B0000 - 0x769B5000	(C:\Windows\system32\PSAPI.DLL)
IPHLPAPI.DLL	A: 0x71DA0000 - 0x71DBC000	(C:\Windows\system32\IPHLPAPI.DLL)
WINNSI.DLL	A: 0x71D80000 - 0x71D87000	(C:\Windows\system32\WINNSI.DLL)
rasadhlp.dll	A: 0x6F610000 - 0x6F616000	(C:\Windows\system32\rasadhlp.dll)
And the server log...
Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3x, ©2005-2013 SA-MP Team

[21:23:18] filterscripts = ""  (string)
[21:23:18] Server Plugins
[21:23:18] --------------
[21:23:18]  Loaded 0 plugins.

[21:23:18] Filterscripts
[21:23:18] ---------------
[21:23:18]   Loaded 0 filterscripts.

[21:23:18]  ======================================= 
[21:23:18]  |                                     | 
[21:23:18]  |        YSI version 1.06.0002        | 
[21:23:18]  |        By Alex "******" Cole        | 
[21:23:18]  |                                     | 
[21:23:18]  ======================================= 
[21:23:18] National War Gamemode
[21:23:18] Created by Vlad
[21:23:18] ----------------------------------

[21:23:18] Number of vehicle models: 0
The server just opens up, and after a few seconds it closes... Do i need a plugin or something?
P.S.: I think there's a problem with Y_ini, because it worked with other file readers/writers, but i like Y_ini because it's the easyest.
I get no errors/warnings when i compile the script.
If you need more informations tell me. Thanks.

Originally Posted by ultimategamehosting
Посмотреть сообщение
might be a plugin or its loading something that is making it crash you got any FS loading with it?
I have no plugins/filterscripts...

Originally Posted by ultimategamehosting
Посмотреть сообщение
are you home hosting the server or is someone hosting it for you?
I'm hosting it, but now it's down because it's not working...

someone might be DDossing you, or Your internet is too shit to handle a server

Originally Posted by xSiiLenTx
Посмотреть сообщение
someone might be DDossing you, or Your internet is too shit to handle a server
Nope, that surely isnt the problem.

Try the crashdetect plugin, probably theres a problem with missing files, or wrong usage of y_ini.

Originally Posted by Mauzen
Посмотреть сообщение
Nope, that surely isnt the problem.

Try the crashdetect plugin, probably theres a problem with missing files, or wrong usage of y_ini.
Thanks for the suggestion, but i don't understand anything
Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3x, ©2005-2013 SA-MP Team

[10:07:19] filterscripts = ""  (string)
[10:07:19] Server Plugins
[10:07:19] --------------
[10:07:19]  Loading plugin: crashdetect
[10:07:19]   CrashDetect v4.10 is OK.
[10:07:19]   Loaded.
[10:07:19]  Loaded 1 plugins.

[10:07:20] Filterscripts
[10:07:20] ---------------
[10:07:20]   Loaded 0 filterscripts.

[10:07:20]  ======================================= 
[10:07:20]  |                                     | 
[10:07:20]  |        YSI version 1.06.0002        | 
[10:07:20]  |        By Alex "******" Cole        | 
[10:07:20]  |                                     | 
[10:07:20]  ======================================= 
[10:07:20] National War Gamemode
[10:07:20] Created by Vlad
[10:07:20] ----------------------------------

[10:07:20] Number of vehicle models: 0
[10:07:21] [debug] Server crashed due to an unknown error
[10:07:21] [debug] System backtrace:
[10:07:21] [debug] #0 00403684 in ?? () from C:\Users\Vlad\Desktop\Sa-Mp Server\samp-server.exe
[10:07:21] [debug] #1 0048c527 in ?? () from C:\Users\Vlad\Desktop\Sa-Mp Server\samp-server.exe
[10:07:21] [debug] #2 00488afd in ?? () from C:\Users\Vlad\Desktop\Sa-Mp Server\samp-server.exe
[10:07:21] [debug] #3 00495151 in ?? () from C:\Users\Vlad\Desktop\Sa-Mp Server\samp-server.exe
[10:07:21] [debug] #4 00495161 in ?? () from C:\Users\Vlad\Desktop\Sa-Mp Server\samp-server.exe
[10:07:21] [debug] #5 ffc30000 in ?? () from C:\Users\Vlad\Desktop\Sa-Mp Server\samp-server.exe
[10:07:21] [debug] #6 e8042474 in ?? () from C:\Users\Vlad\Desktop\Sa-Mp Server\samp-server.exe
[10:07:21] [debug] #7 ffffffbf in ?? () from C:\Users\Vlad\Desktop\Sa-Mp Server\samp-server.exe
[10:07:21] [debug] #8 c01bd8f7 in ?? () from C:\Users\Vlad\Desktop\Sa-Mp Server\samp-server.exe
[10:07:21] [debug] #9 4859d8f7 in ?? () from C:\Users\Vlad\Desktop\Sa-Mp Server\samp-server.exe
[10:07:21] [debug] #10 247c83c3 in ?? () from C:\Users\Vlad\Desktop\Sa-Mp Server\samp-server.exe
[10:07:21] [debug] #11 06740008 in ?? () from C:\Users\Vlad\Desktop\Sa-Mp Server\samp-server.exe
[10:07:21] [debug] #12 412d01c6 in ?? () from C:\Users\Vlad\Desktop\Sa-Mp Server\samp-server.exe
[10:07:21] [debug] #13 8b56d8f7 in ?? () from C:\Users\Vlad\Desktop\Sa-Mp Server\samp-server.exe
[10:07:21] [debug] #14 f7d233f1 in ?? () from C:\Users\Vlad\Desktop\Sa-Mp Server\samp-server.exe
[10:07:21] [debug] #15 83082474 in ?? () from C:\Users\Vlad\Desktop\Sa-Mp Server\samp-server.exe
[10:07:21] [debug] #16 057609fa in ?? () from C:\Users\Vlad\Desktop\Sa-Mp Server\samp-server.exe
[10:07:21] [debug] #17 eb57c280 in ?? () from C:\Users\Vlad\Desktop\Sa-Mp Server\samp-server.exe
[10:07:21] [debug] #18 30c28003 in ?? () from C:\Users\Vlad\Desktop\Sa-Mp Server\samp-server.exe
[10:07:21] [debug] #19 85411188 in ?? () from C:\Users\Vlad\Desktop\Sa-Mp Server\samp-server.exe
[10:07:21] [debug] #20 c6e677c0 in ?? () from C:\Users\Vlad\Desktop\Sa-Mp Server\samp-server.exe
[10:07:21] [debug] #21 8a490001 in ?? () from C:\Users\Vlad\Desktop\Sa-Mp Server\samp-server.exe
[10:07:21] [debug] #22 88018a16 in ?? () from C:\Users\Vlad\Desktop\Sa-Mp Server\samp-server.exe
[10:07:21] [debug] #23 06884911 in ?? () from C:\Users\Vlad\Desktop\Sa-Mp Server\samp-server.exe
[10:07:21] [debug] #24 72f13b46 in ?? () from C:\Users\Vlad\Desktop\Sa-Mp Server\samp-server.exe
[10:07:21] [debug] #25 55c35ef2 in ?? () from C:\Users\Vlad\Desktop\Sa-Mp Server\samp-server.exe
[10:07:21] [debug] #26 7d83ec8b in ?? () from C:\Users\Vlad\Desktop\Sa-Mp Server\samp-server.exe
[10:07:21] [debug] #27 458b0a10 in ?? () from C:\Users\Vlad\Desktop\Sa-Mp Server\samp-server.exe
[10:07:21] [debug] #28 850a7508 in ?? () from C:\Users\Vlad\Desktop\Sa-Mp Server\samp-server.exe
[10:07:21] [debug] #29 6a067dc0 in ?? () from C:\Users\Vlad\Desktop\Sa-Mp Server\samp-server.exe
[10:07:21] [debug] #30 eb0a6a01 in ?? () from C:\Users\Vlad\Desktop\Sa-Mp Server\samp-server.exe
[10:07:21] [debug] #31 ff006a05 in ?? () from C:\Users\Vlad\Desktop\Sa-Mp Server\samp-server.exe
[10:07:21] [debug] #32 4d8b1075 in ?? () from C:\Users\Vlad\Desktop\Sa-Mp Server\samp-server.exe
[10:07:21] [debug] #33 ff9fe80c in ?? () from C:\Users\Vlad\Desktop\Sa-Mp Server\samp-server.exe
[10:07:21] [debug] #34 458bffff in ?? () from C:\Users\Vlad\Desktop\Sa-Mp Server\samp-server.exe
[10:07:21] [debug] #35 5d59590c in ?? () from C:\Users\Vlad\Desktop\Sa-Mp Server\samp-server.exe
[10:07:21] [debug] #36 244c8bc3 in ?? () from C:\Users\Vlad\Desktop\Sa-Mp Server\samp-server.exe
[10:07:21] [debug] #37 24448b08 in ?? () from C:\Users\Vlad\Desktop\Sa-Mp Server\samp-server.exe
[10:07:21] [debug] #38 ff006a04 in ?? () from C:\Users\Vlad\Desktop\Sa-Mp Server\samp-server.exe
[10:07:21] [debug] #39 e8102474 in ?? () from C:\Users\Vlad\Desktop\Sa-Mp Server\samp-server.exe
[10:07:21] [debug] #40 ffffff85 in ?? () from C:\Users\Vlad\Desktop\Sa-Mp Server\samp-server.exe
[10:07:21] [debug] #41 1024448b in ?? () from C:\Users\Vlad\Desktop\Sa-Mp Server\samp-server.exe
[10:07:21] [debug] #42 e8c35959 in ?? () from C:\Users\Vlad\Desktop\Sa-Mp Server\samp-server.exe

Do you have a /Users directory in your scriptfiles folder?

Originally Posted by RealCop228
Посмотреть сообщение
Do you have a /Users directory in your scriptfiles folder?
Yes, i do.
Edit: Here is the server, i hope u can see what's wrong with it just uncheck "Use our download manager and get recommended downloads" and select download.

Most importantly: Does it only crash when you use that particular gamemode or does it crash with the default ones as well?

Do you have ongamemodeinit in your gamemode script?
Do you have infinite (or possibly infinite) loops under the script?
Does the system allow your user that's running the server open enough files?
Are the permissions for your folders set up correctly?

Originally Posted by 3ventic
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1.Most importantly: Does it only crash when you use that particular gamemode or does it crash with the default ones as well?

2.Do you have ongamemodeinit in your gamemode script?
3.Do you have infinite (or possibly infinite) loops under the script?
4.Does the system allow your user that's running the server open enough files?
5.Are the permissions for your folders set up correctly?
1.It crashes only when I create a gamemode with Y_INI.
2.Yes, I do.
3.I don't think so, look in the script.
5.I think so...

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