[FilterScript] Zayan`s_High Jump V-0.3 [UPDATED] [BUGS FIXED]-[ALL] [MUST SEE]

This script is made by "Zayan" [(a.k.a on TWS): Jumblo]


* Added a new function "SetPlayerHealth(playerid, INFINITY);".

* Fixed a bug which caused the player to die for no reason.

* Fixed a bug which caused the player to respawn for no reason.

* Fixed a bug which caused the player to die when he hits the ground.

* Removed the spam

* Modified the command "/setjumppower", If power on: will activate the power mode on & sets the player health to safe mode | If power off: will deactivate the power mode to off & will set the player`s health to normal...

What is it:

it is a fS (Filterscript), it allows the player to jump higher than ever. (tested from LV to SF & from the mountain to the forest 90m)

How to use it:

1. Login as RCON.

2. Set the power mode to on by typing /setjumppower

3. Set the power mode to: ON.

4. Tap the Jump key (Shift)

5. Enjoy


No bugs were found when i tested the update.

NOTE: If you find any, please report it by leaving a reply with a screen shot.


Paste bin: http://pastebin.com/qxAH0Wkc


If you have any idea about the development for the next Version (V-0.4) Please PM me.

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Anyone ffs?

Stop bumping after an hour and stop posting new threads just for new versions.

@ 2:

You reported me the bug, i fixed it & i modified it for a update lol.

Well, Well, Well Really Nice Job
but need to work on it more


There are bunch of FS like this one, so 2.5/10 ..

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