IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint loop + timer

I'm trying to make a loop and timer, so that the script constantly checks the player location. I need it for this code:
PHP код:
    if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid1.51742.9924, -1863.207613.5754))
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid100DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX"TAXI JOB""Are you sure you want to take this job?""Yes""No");
If someone could add a loop & timer for it, it'd be awesome, or just give me an example of how to do it.

pawn Код:
forward LOC_CHECK();
public LOC_CHECK()
    for(new x =0; x < MAX_PLAYERS; x++)
         if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(x, 1.5, 1742.9924, -1863.2076, 13.5754))
               ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 100, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "TAXI JOB", "Are you sure you want to take this job", "Yes", "No");
    return 1;

public OnGameModeInIt( )
     SetTimer("LOC_CHECK", 5000, true);
     return 1;
Though I strongly recommend you avoid this, since it's very inefficient. Try pickups or somethin'

Originally Posted by CreativityLacker
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pawn Код:
forward LOC_CHECK();
public LOC_CHECK()
    for(new x =0; x < MAX_PLAYERS; x++)
         if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(x, 1.5, 1742.9924, -1863.2076, 13.5754))
               ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 100, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "TAXI JOB", "Are you sure you want to take this job", "Yes", "No");
    return 1;

public OnGameModeInIt( )
     SetTimer("LOC_CHECK", 5000, true);
     return 1;
Though I strongly recommend you avoid this, since it's very inefficient. Try pickups or somethin'
Hm.. Is the streamer plugin more "efficient" for this?

Originally Posted by reckst4r
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Hm.. Is the streamer plugin more "efficient" for this?
I prefer not to use any streamers unless your gamemode is a stunt one with 2000+ objects.

Use default SA-MP pickups?

pawn Код:
new taxi_pickup;

// OnGameModeInIt
    taxi_pickup = CreatePickup(....);
    return 1;

// OnPlayerPickupPickUp
    if(pickupid == taxi_pickup)

// OnPlayerDialogResponse
if(wautseveras == atwaisds)

OK, I'll try that. Thanks alot.

i suggest you to use a (an invisible) pickup - its radius is close to your 1.5 units required, and it triggers a callback without the need of yet another timer.

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