putplayer in vehicle

CreateNewPlayerVehicle(playerid, 411, 32000);
PutPlayerInVehicle(playerid, 411, 0); ?? player getting teleport to another vehicle inside and yes vehice 411 created but i want player dnt get tele port to another vehicle just create a new vehicle and inside in.


The CreateNewPlayerVehicle function's second parameter is the vehicle model you want to create, and PutPlayerInVehicle is asking for a vehicle ID. 411 would not be the vehicle you just created.

pawn Код:
new tempcar = CreateNewPlayerVehicle(playerid, 411, 32000);
PutPlayerInVehicle(playerid, tempcar, 0);
and if that doesn't work, I ask to please see the CreateNewPlayerVehicle function.

and i want create 2nd vehicle so it dnt detect first tempcar? function?

still error they teleport to me a bus in red country

Will you learn to use the fucking modify button?

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