Can Someone Have A Look On This [HELP]

Alright I converted it to 0.3x but now i get these message ( useing nativechecker )

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3x, ©2005-2013 SA-MP Team

[20:57:54] filterscripts = "" (string)
[20:57:54] Server Plugins
[20:57:54] --------------
[20:57:54] Loading plugin: nativechecker
[20:57:54] Loaded.
[20:57:54] Loaded 1 plugins.

[20:57:54] Filterscripts
[20:57:54] ---------------
[20:57:54] Loaded 0 filterscripts.

[20:57:54] Error: Function not registered: 'Streamer_CallbackHook'
[20:57:54] Error: Function not registered: 'DestroyDynamicObject'
[20:57:54] Error: Function not registered: 'UpdateDynamic3DTextLabelText'
[20:57:54] Error: Function not registered: 'DestroyDynamic3DTextLabel'
[20:57:54] Error: Function not registered: 'CreateDynamic3DTextLabel'
[20:57:54] Error: Function not registered: 'MoveDynamicObject'
[20:57:54] Error: Function not registered: 'CreateDynamicObject'
[20:57:54] Error: Function not registered: 'CreateDynamicPickup'
[20:57:54] Error: Function not registered: 'CountDynamicObjects'
[20:57:54] Error: Function not registered: 'CountDynamicPickups'
[20:57:54] Error: Function not registered: 'CountDynamicCPs'
[20:57:54] Error: Function not registered: 'CountDynamicRaceCPs'
[20:57:54] Error: Function not registered: 'CountDynamicMapIcons'
[20:57:54] Error: Function not registered: 'CountDynamic3DTextLabels'
[20:57:54] Error: Function not registered: 'GetDynamicObjectPos'
[20:57:54] Error: Function not registered: 'SetDynamicObjectRot'
[20:57:54] Error: Function not registered: 'DestroyDynamicPickup'
[20:57:54] Script[gamemodes/lslrp.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[20:57:54] Number of vehicle models: 0

Someone can help me on this one please?

Seem like your plugins are outdated. And a lot of functions not used.

So what can i do about it?

Download the new plugins here

put your new include files from 0.3x include directory

[20:57:54] Server Plugins
[20:57:54] --------------
[20:57:54] Loading plugin: nativechecker
[20:57:54] Loaded.
[20:57:54] Loaded 1 plugins.
You aren't even loading the streamer plugin, that's why you get all of the Function not registered errors. Make sure the plugin is in the plugins folder and add add "streamer" (without quotes) to the plugins line in the server config.

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