get camera angle?

if player camera is facing the same way as player ? how to get

GetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, Angle);

No, i want to check if player is looking infront of him, not behind ..

aka if getXY inFront of Player == CameraLookAt or something like that

Look at GetPlayerCameraFrontVector. They also provide examples. It may or may not be what you're looking for, depending on what you're trying to accomplish.

yes, but how about i might go and do this? i have been trying to play with this using this function, atan .. but im not getting the thing i wanted :/

i need to see if player is looking in front (seeing the backside ) or back,.. Like when head rotates.. lol

pawn Код:
Float:DistanceCameraTargetToLocation(Float:CamX, Float:CamY, Float:CamZ,  Float:ObjX, Float:ObjY, Float:ObjZ,  Float:FrX, Float:FrY, Float:FrZ)

    new Float:TGTDistance;

    // get distance from camera to target
    TGTDistance = floatsqroot((CamX - ObjX) * (CamX - ObjX) + (CamY - ObjY) * (CamY - ObjY) + (CamZ - ObjZ) * (CamZ - ObjZ));

    new Float:tmpX, Float:tmpY, Float:tmpZ;

    tmpX = FrX * TGTDistance + CamX;
    tmpY = FrY * TGTDistance + CamY;
    tmpZ = FrZ * TGTDistance + CamZ;

    return floatsqroot((tmpX - ObjX) * (tmpX - ObjX) + (tmpY - ObjY) * (tmpY - ObjY) + (tmpZ - ObjZ) * (tmpZ - ObjZ));
pawn Код:

GetPlayerCameraPos(playerid, camPos[0], camPos[1], camPos[2]);
GetPlayerCameraFrontVector(playerid, camVector[0], camVector[1], camVector[2]);
DistanceCameraTargetToLocation(camPos[0], camPos[1], camPos[2], x, y, z,  camVector[0], camVector[1], camVector[2]);
Pretty self-explanatory.

this is not what i want, i just wanted to check if player is looking (camera) in front of himself, or behind (-facingAngle).. do u understand?
i think this is basic trig.. but im not too very good wit it :/

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