Forward your server with timer

I got a little problem. I have a server that now move ip. But the old ip is still active. So i would ask if it was possible to forward the server with a timer. So for example if i dont login as rcon until 2 min, then the server forward the player to the new ip

You can't 'forward' (re-direct I think you mean) players to another server as in, connect them to it, but you can display a message/textdraw etc.

People generally just lock the server (set a password in sercer.cfg that's obscure (I use the character ` as nobody would guess that :P) and set the hostname to something along the lines of "NEW IP:".

Hmmm... I guess you are right(redirect)
I know that it would be different but anyway it could be better if it was automattic.

It's not possible.

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