
I've made a perfect Car Ownership and everything works perfect till I restart the server.

The COS is based on IG Vehicle IDs so I can retrieve data from the file when a player who is not the owner enters it.
But there is one bug that i can't solve. I buy a car and drive it around, data stores in a file.Then I restart the server and then the cars don't load up in the way like they were created Ex: There are 5 cars on the server and I buy a sixth car and the car file is named "6". Then I restart the server and get into the car it has the data of the car 5 and so on.

The cars didn't create like they did before the restart.

Is there a way to change/impress this ?

Does anyone else have other ideas with the IDs ?

Please help, thanks.

You have probably a StaticVehicle override from FS, meaning there is a AddStaticVehicle command somewhere in your gamemode that is causing the filterscript to overwrite it. Meaning like if you had a LSPD cruiser on slot 1 and then you buy a new car with the script that goes also on slot 1, your car will also be treated as an LSPD cruiser, even if its a tractor. I suggest you remove all staticvehicles from your gamemode, and try again.

Remember, a filterscript always overrides a gamemode.

I understand what you are trying to say but this COS is scripted into the Gamemode and there are just 6 AddStaticVehicle cars in the GM and I check if a car is a COS car with if(OwnedVeh) which is
#define OwnedVeh GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid) >= 6
. Because I have kilometer measuring in my GM I need to save a COS car everytime a player exits a car with SaveVehicle(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)) and the ID changes on server restart...

In that case i think its the problem with saving vars. What kind of database are you using? Could you provide me with that code of yours?

I've figured it out.
My COS is loading files in the next order:

If someone buyed a car and then a bicycle it wouldn't load it in the same order and mix the IDs.Going to fix this, thank you.

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