Server laggs

Hello Everyone,

I'm having my own script and it's lagging if other players are on it, you see them pausing and if they are in front of you they can spawn on the back in like 5 seconds, the pause emblem thing is there either, the server doesn't lag (The Chat) but the players ingame are lagging, the ping of everyone is okay but we're having the same problem..

<ip doesn't need posting>

1st of All Remove your Server IP!!!

2nd Does it Home Host / Home server ? If yes it can Lag When YOUR upload,Download speed slows.

3rd If it's Host. The Host's Net Speed is Slow.

4th Maybe it's also Posible.
When you Spawn More Cars Arround You. It can also Lag Players.

5th if it lag only you. Maybe your PC is slow

How much CPU/memory are you using you might have some huge ass loops running all day

It's a paid host and there's 2,85 GB left and 6% ram used, that shouldn't be a problem.
No ones download speed here's low, I'm playing with the same players on another server and we didn't had any problems.

The PC lag and car lag isn't the problem.

it can depends on your host also as well if you have dynamic stuff thats under the map i had this issus i had to move all of my dynamic points to some were else and it worked fine

Try to script ressource free or use not many Timers. And how much lines have your script?

The script is having 23k lines,.

Here's a little video about it btw:*********

Anyone knows the solution?

Internet connection! maybe!

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