Please help me

I have a problem since the passage of my server to linux,
The server will reboot loop and I have no error when i compile and all my plugins are with .so in the .cfg

Originally Posted by LogзServeur
Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3e-R2, ©2005-2012 SA-MP Team

[23:34:02] Server Plugins
[23:34:02] --------------
[23:34:02] Loading plugin:

[23:34:02] ===============================

[23:34:02] sscanf plugin loaded.

[23:34:02] © 2009 Alex "******" Cole

[23:34:02] 0.3d-R2 500 Players "dnee"

[23:34:02] ===============================

[23:34:02] Loaded.
[23:34:02] Loading plugin:

*** Streamer Plugin v2.6 by Incognito loaded ***

[23:34:02] Loaded.
[23:34:02] Loading plugin:
[23:34:02] Loaded.
[23:34:02] Loading plugin:

*** Audio Plugin v0.5 by Incognito loaded ***

[23:34:02] Loaded.
[23:34:02] Loading plugin:

> MySQL plugin R6 successfully loaded.

[23:34:02] Loaded.
[23:34:02] Loaded 5 plugins.

[23:34:02] Ban list
[23:34:02] --------
[23:34:02] Loaded: samp.ban
[23:34:02] Filterscripts
[23:34:02] ---------------
[23:34:02] Loading filterscript 'avs.amx'...
[23:34:02] Advanced Vehicle System 1.0 by MadeMan
[23:34:02] ------------------------------------------------
[23:34:02] Loaded 394 vehicles
[23:34:02] Loaded 4 dealerships
[23:34:02] Loaded 18 fuel stations
[23:34:02] ------------------------------------------------

[23:34:02] Loaded 1 filterscripts.

[23:34:02] *** Audio Plugin: Started TCP server on port 7777
[23:34:02] =======================================
[23:34:02] | |
[23:34:02] | YSI version 1.03.0011 |
[23:34:02] | By Alex "******" Cole |
[23:34:02] | |
[23:34:02] | Checking the latest YSI version.. |
[23:34:02] | |
[23:34:02] =======================================
[23:34:02] [MySQL] Bienvenue ... Connection en cours ...
[23:34:03] [MySQL] Connection reussie
[23:34:03] Coffre Yakuza Loaded...
[23:34:03] Coffre LosEme Loaded...
[23:34:03] Incoming connection:
[23:34:03] Incoming connection:

[23:34:03] Drop Gun [FS] By gimini ©
[23:34:03] Do not remove copyright!!!
[23:34:03] Version 1.3

[23:34:03] * Katana loaded: -2188.193847,701.774230,53.303585
[23:34:03] * Desert Eagle loaded: -2188.193847,702.774230,53.303585
[23:34:03] * Shotgun loaded: -2189.193847,702.774230,53.303585
[23:34:03] * MP5 loaded: -2188.193847,702.774230,53.303585
[23:34:03] * M4 loaded: -2188.193847,702.774230,53.303585
[23:34:03] * Sniper Rifle loaded: -2187.193847,702.774230,53.303585
[23:34:03] Loading 80 pickups... Loaded successfuly !
[23:34:03] gamemode initialisй avec succиs
[23:34:03] Number of vehicle models: 132
[23:34:03] [npc:join] Bob has joined the server (1:
[23:34:03] [npc:join] Coco has joined the server (0:
[23:34:15] =======================================
[23:34:15] | |
[23:34:15] | YSI version 1.03.0011 |
[23:34:15] | By Alex "******" Cole |
[23:34:15] | |
[23:34:15] | Checking the latest YSI version.. |
[23:34:15] | |
[23:34:15] =======================================
[23:34:15] [MySQL] Bienvenue ... Connection en cours ...
[23:34:15] [MySQL] Connection reussie
[23:34:15] Coffre Yakuza Loaded...
[23:34:15] Coffre LosEme Loaded...
[23:34:15] Incoming connection:
[23:34:15] Incoming connection:

[23:34:15] Drop Gun [FS] By gimini ©
[23:34:15] Do not remove copyright!!!
[23:34:15] Version 1.3

[23:34:15] * Katana loaded: -2188.193847,701.774230,53.303585
[23:34:15] * Desert Eagle loaded: -2188.193847,702.774230,53.303585
[23:34:15] * Shotgun loaded: -2189.193847,702.774230,53.303585
[23:34:15] * MP5 loaded: -2188.193847,702.774230,53.303585
[23:34:15] * M4 loaded: -2188.193847,702.774230,53.303585
[23:34:15] * Sniper Rifle loaded: -2187.193847,702.774230,53.303585
[23:34:15] Loading 80 pickups... Loaded successfuly !
[23:34:15] gamemode initialisй avec succиs
[23:34:15] Number of vehicle models: 0

Originally Posted by server.cfg
echo Executing Server Config...
lanmode 0
maxplayers 100
port 7777
hostname [FR] .::test serveur ::. [RP]
gamemode0 test
filterscripts avs
announce 1
query 1
maxnpc 15
onfoot_rate 40
incar_rate 40
weapon_rate 40
stream_distance 300.0
stream_rate 1000
logqueries 0
mapname San Fierro
logtimeformat [%H:%M:%S]
thank you for your attention to my problem

yes...i had the problem and the only way to solve it get windows everyone has this problem i had linux just installed windows xp and worked also your filterscripts may be the problem also i mean delete them and check their version if their version is 0.3e and yours is 0.3x it wont work open pawn open the filter script and click compile and run that will update the filter script automaticlly and it should work i recommend getting windows xp.

I recompiled the Filter Script + the game mode, I use version 03.x samp and that does not work.

Sorry for the language I'm french

Deactivate every plugins and filterscripts, and check if it restarts, if it works now, it must be a plugin or FS.

If not working, post there a clean copy of server_log.txt to when you deactivated plugins and FS's

Here its not working toujour not

Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3x, ©2005-2013 SA-MP Team

[03:15:04] filterscripts = "" (string)
[03:15:04] plugins = "" (string)
[03:15:04] Server Plugins
[03:15:04] --------------
[03:15:04] Loaded 0 plugins.

[03:15:04] Ban list
[03:15:04] --------
[03:15:04] Loaded: samp.ban
[03:15:04] Filterscripts
[03:15:04] ---------------
[03:15:04] Loaded 0 filterscripts.

[03:15:04] Script[gamemodes/ParadiseV3.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[03:15:04] Number of vehicle models: 0

but the server starts in "unknown"

Originally Posted by Paradise-RP
Посмотреть сообщение
Here its not working toujour not

but the server starts in "unknown"
the gamemode is not compiled.

ENSURE that you are using the 'CORRECT' Plugins for your Script because it can occur to this.

Recompile your script with the right plugins.

I tried it like me toujour
sorry for my poor english I'm french


[03:15:04] Script[gamemodes/ParadiseV3.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"

There's the cause, which makes it crash / reload.
Are you sure you fully compiled the GM ?

If it's so, add to your server.cfg ONLY the necessary plugins / fs to make it run clean.
And post again server_log.txt if isn't working, if it's working must be one of the previosly excluded FS's

Then you must go step by step to find out which one

I just tried, if I disable the streamer (Streamer Plugin v2.6.1 by Incognito)

The server starts but is in unknown

if I activate the streaming server that will restart (reboot).
I put the streamer has in the daytime but always similar

( French):
Je vient d'essayй , si je dйsactive le streamer (Streamer Plugin v2.6.1 by Incognito)

, le serveur se lance mais est en mode unknown

si j'active le streamer le serveur fait que se relancer (reboot).


Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3x, ©2005-2013 SA-MP Team

[06:26:28] filterscripts = "" (string)
[06:26:28] Server Plugins
[06:26:28] --------------
[06:26:28] Loading plugin:

[06:26:28] ===============================

[06:26:28] sscanf plugin loaded.

[06:26:28] Version: 2.8.1

[06:26:28] © 2012 Alex "******" Cole

[06:26:28] ===============================

[06:26:28] Loaded.
[06:26:28] Loading plugin:
[06:26:28] Loaded.
[06:26:28] Loading plugin:

> MySQL plugin R6 successfully loaded.

[06:26:28] Loaded.
[06:26:28] Loading plugin:

*** Audio Plugin v0.5 by Incognito loaded ***

[06:26:28] Loaded.
[06:26:28] Loading plugin:

*** Streamer Plugin v2.6.1 by Incognito loaded ***

[06:26:28] Loaded.
[06:26:28] Loaded 5 plugins.

[06:26:28] Ban list
[06:26:28] --------
[06:26:28] Loaded: samp.ban
[06:26:28] Filterscripts
[06:26:28] ---------------
[06:26:28] Loaded 0 filterscripts.

[06:26:28] =======================================
[06:26:28] | |
[06:26:28] | YSI version 1.03.0011 |
[06:26:28] | By Alex "******" Cole |
[06:26:28] | |
[06:26:28] | Checking the latest YSI version.. |
[06:26:28] | |
[06:26:28] =======================================
[06:26:28] Coffre Yakuza Loaded...
[06:26:28] Coffre LosEme Loaded...
[06:26:28] Incoming connection:
[06:26:28] Incoming connection:
[06:26:28] Drop Gun [FS] By gimini ©
[06:26:28] Do not remove copyright!!!
[06:26:28] Version 1.3
[06:26:28] * Katana loaded: -2188.193847,701.774230,53.303585
[06:26:28] * Desert Eagle loaded: -2188.193847,702.774230,53.303585
[06:26:28] * Shotgun loaded: -2189.193847,702.774230,53.303585
[06:26:28] * MP5 loaded: -2188.193847,702.774230,53.303585
[06:26:28] * M4 loaded: -2188.193847,702.774230,53.303585
[06:26:28] * Sniper Rifle loaded: -2187.193847,702.774230,53.303585
[06:26:28] Loading 80 pickups... Loaded successfuly !
[06:26:28] gamemode initialisй avec succиs
[06:26:28] |================================================= =============================|
[06:26:28] .:: [FR] Paradise Roleplay [RP] ::.
[06:26:28] Par Shelton
[06:26:28] ********** ************ **********
[06:26:28] ********** *** *** **********
[06:26:28] ** **** *** *** ** ****
[06:26:28] ** **** *** *** ** ****
[06:26:28] ********** ************ **********
[06:26:28] ** **** **
[06:26:28] ** ** ** **
[06:26:28] ** ** ** **
[06:26:28] -------------------
[06:26:28] | GTA Roleplay |
[06:26:28] | Paradise RP |
[06:26:28] -------------------
[06:26:28] |================================================= =============================|
[06:26:28] [MySQL] Bienvenue ... Connection en cours ...
[06:26:28] [MySQL] Connection reussie
[06:26:28] Number of vehicle models: 0
[06:26:28] =======================================
[06:26:28] | |
[06:26:28] | Error: Could not connect to YSI |
[06:26:28] | update server (response was 001). |
[06:26:28] | |
[06:26:28] =======================================
[06:26:28] [npc:join] Coco has joined the server (0:
[06:26:28] [npc:join] Bob has joined the server (1:


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