Checkpoint Streamers

I have been having a decent amount of bad luck with checkpoint streamers. I tried CPS and I kept getting this error when I try to follow the instructions for install:
 error 036: empty statement
I have also had no luck with any other Checkpoint streamer.

Is there one that someone can point me to that wont epic fail on me?


I have a simple and good one. Open it in notepad and save it as whatever with the extension .inc I don't know who made this because I downloaded it a long time ago and whoever it was didnt put credits in it.


i needed this 2, but whats the actual pwn code i would use with this .inc file :S

Use CMAdd and under OnPlayerEnterCheckPoint, add this code.
pawn Код:
new id=CMGetCheckID(playerid);
Then you can check if the id's equal whatever returned by CMAdd. So like this.

pawn Код:
//At the top
new CP;

//OnGameModeInit or wherever
CP = CMAdd(/* the stuff in here */);

new id=CMGetCheckID(playerid);

if(id == CP)
   //Do your thing here.

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