Saving Score

I need Help I cant find any way to save score. I searched all on ****** for mysql saving systems or dini and Y_ini saving systems none of them worked Im just so pissed right now.

I need a system to save score AND SCORE ONLY. I dont want and /login and register system -__-

Thats all i want is meh score n money to save.

Does anyone has a script that can help me with that?

I don't have a script for you. But you can make a saving score system. With Y_INI or DINI.

Here is an example.
pawn Код:
stock INI_PATH(playerid)
    new file[65];
    format(file, sizeof(file),"Score/%s.ini",PlayerName(playerid));
    return file;

//Then, under OnPlayerConnect

public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
        INI_ParseFile(INI_PATH(playerid),"loadscore_%s", .bExtra = true, .extra = playerid);
                SetPlayerScore(playerid, AccInfo[playerid][score]);//its sets your score...
That was to load the file for example. Read Y_INI here: And try yourself

There is loads of code i am not giving here, but just an example :P

I can't just give you what you want, you must try yourself

Man I need a saving system fucking bad man ffs. I will +rep or give admin in my server ANYTHING JUST HELP

nO Answer! , Bump.

Please, this section is not to get people scripting for you, this is to HELP you understand the scripting, and help you with small codes.

~regards. (NOTE: Dont bump topics so fast, wait 24 hours miniumum!)

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