Graphic Problem (Wavy scan lines appear on the screen)


Watch this video clip first: http://*********/DVzSKPVfoW0

Do you see the vertical wavy lines that appear everywhere? If you don't, try 1080p. Why is it like this? I've been told it could be a problem with my graphics card, but this only seem to happen in SAMP. I haven't had this problem with any other game so far. It doesn't always happen instantly when I join a server, but once it happens and they start to appear, they are intended to stay and it annoys the hell out of me. I like to record videos too and it looks like shit.

Thanks in advance.

Technical details:
SAMP 0.3e
Windows 7
GTX 580 (with the latest drivers nvidia drivers installed)

LOL. That's part of the game.

If you've ever looked down a road in the summer and see wavy lines coming off of it, its from the heat. The game is simulating that.

EDIT with further explanation: In real life, those wavy lines are caused by the heat affecting the air and how it moves, distorting the image of what's behind it.

EDIT 2: These lines only appear in a certain weather ID. (1?)

EDIT 3: Someone commented on your video and he thinks your graphics card is dying! LMFAO.

Originally Posted by Schurman
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LOL. That's part of the game.

If you've ever looked down a road in the summer and see wavy lines coming off of it, its from the heat. The game is simulating that.

EDIT with further explanation: In real life, those wavy lines are caused by the heat affecting the air and how it moves, distorting the image of what's behind it.

EDIT 2: These lines only appear in a certain weather ID. (1?)

EDIT 3: Someone commented on your video and he thinks your graphics card is dying! LMFAO.
LOL. Care to prove this?

Bullshit, watch this than: http://*********/vt0zL2tLXAY Do you see any roads here?

Originally Posted by Slizor
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LOL. Care to prove this?

Bullshit, watch this than: http://*********/vt0zL2tLXAY Do you see any roads here?
It's part of the fuckin' game, man.

You don't need to be such a dick.

I used roads as a real life example.


A highway mirage is an inferior mirage which is seen very commonly on roadways, both by day and by night. The hot-road mirage is usually most noticeable on hot sunny days.

^ Heat Haze


Don't call bullshit on something very real.

Part of the game, It actually is.

Originally Posted by Schurman
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It's part of the fuckin' game, man.

You don't need to be such a dick.

I used roads as a real life example.

^ Heat Haze


Don't call bullshit on something very real.

Can you prove it is PART OF THE GAME? I'm not being a dick, you were laughing at my first post, you're being a dick.

I haven't seen anyone else having this.

Originally Posted by Slizor
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Can you prove it is PART OF THE GAME? I'm not being a dick, you were laughing at my first post, you're being a dick. I didn't see anyone else having this.
I don't need to nor do I have the time to. Go into GTA SA single player and you'll see.

You should know it's part of the game because of it's close resemblance to a mirage.

Is it a coincidence that it looks like a mirage, and only happens on very sunny weather?

I was hoping you'd be smart enough to rule those things out, and at least know that it isn't a problem.

EDIT: If you have the time to record and upload two videos of your problem in 1080p, you can go in SP and look for this.

I'm done. :P

You're hopeless.

And I'm not mad, its just your reluctance to accept this irritates me.

Like I said, you're going out of your way to prove me wrong. I won't spend any more time arguing with you because your question is a complete lost cause.

In short, your video card isn't going to blow up and this isn't a bug. (PLEASE, PLEASE just accept that answer!)

This is part of the game. There's no reason to take this childish argument any further. Take it up with Rockstar is you have an issue with it!

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