26.01.2013, 09:32
Haia! I have got a little problem with MySQL Query, and saving it into player variable.
So, here it goes;
#1 When I log into game, I want to send a player message about IDs:
But the only problem is about forumID. It's 1 and it finds my nickname successfully, but ingame:
/imageshack/img827/894/errords.jpg (FID: 101).
#2 Online time.
When player logs in, I'm using gettime() function, and I'm saving it into player's variable:
Now, I've also got spec command, with sets textdraw's strings, but I'll give only example of time:
^ It's messed up, cause I was trying like everything.
Print gives: 1359197560 1359197560 0 22653292 1359197560
Thank you for any help! Regards!
So, here it goes;
#1 When I log into game, I want to send a player message about IDs:
format(sqlquery, 256, "SELECT `gid`, `forumID`, `adminLvl`, `skin`, `money`, `bMoney`, `lastPosX`, `lastPosY`, `lastPosZ`, `lastPosAngle` FROM `players` WHERE `login`='%s'", playerInfo[pid][playerName_]); mysql_query(sqlquery); mysql_store_result(); mysql_fetch_row_format(sqlstring); sscanf(sqlstring, "p|iiiiiiffff", playerInfo[pid][gid], playerInfo[pid][forumID], playerInfo[pid][adminLvl], playerInfo[pid][skin], playerInfo[pid][money], playerInfo[pid][bMoney], playerInfo[pid][lastPos][0], playerInfo[pid][lastPos][1], playerInfo[pid][lastPos][2], playerInfo[pid][lastPos][3]); mysql_free_result(); format(sqlquery, 256, "SELECT `username` FROM `mybb_users` WHERE `uid`='%i'", playerInfo[pid][forumID]); mysql_query(sqlquery); mysql_store_result(); mysql_fetch_row_format(sqlstring); sscanf(sqlstring, "p|s", playerInfo[pid][forumName]); mysql_free_result(); format(formats, sizeof(formats), "S-RP: Witaj %s! Zalogowałeś się jako %s (ID: %d, GID: %d, FID: %d)", playerInfo[pid][forumName], pNameW(pid), pid, playerInfo[pid][gid], playerInfo[pid][forumID]); SendClientMessage(pid, 0, formats);
/imageshack/img827/894/errords.jpg (FID: 101).
#2 Online time.
When player logs in, I'm using gettime() function, and I'm saving it into player's variable:
new Second = gettime(); playerInfo[pid][onlineTime] = Second;
new time[2]; time[0] = gettime(); time[1] = (time[0] - playerInfo[id][onlineTime]); printf("%i %i %i %i %i", time[0], time[1], playerInfo[id][onlineTime], (time[1] / 60), (time[0] - playerInfo[id][onlineTime])); format(formats, sizeof(formats), "Czas gry: %i m", (time[1] / 60)); TextDrawSetString(specShowInfo[id][1], formats);
Print gives: 1359197560 1359197560 0 22653292 1359197560
Thank you for any help! Regards!