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Linux VPS
Hard Disk (HDD): 30 GB
RAM (Memory): 512 MB
Connection Speed: 1Gbps Uplink
Bandwidth (Data Transfer): 2000 GB
and 2 cores with 3.16Ghz
is this good enough for a server with 50-60 players and a forum ?
and what to choose german- turkey or romanian location?

Could raise the ram abit. I would recommend 8 or 16 GB of RAM. Bandwidth could be raised, but that's if it perhaps gets to the monthly limit, otherwise you seem fine.

With the location, where are most of your players from?

Depends on what you running actually. but looks good for a decent size machine.

Looks pretty good, But i think it should be perfect for what you are starting it with.

You will need more bandwidth, believe me!

Raise ram to atleast 1 GB and bandwidth to 3 TB

Nope Bandwidth is good.No need to increase.

Most of my players are from Europe, the Balkan , i dont have enough money to upgrade the RAM but if there is lag or smth i may upgrade it.
And my script is about 60lines and i dont have much maps so i dont think there will be huge lag or smth.
Anyways thanks for your answers.

Brandon, why on earth does he need 8 or 16 GB of RAM for one SA:MP server?

Your current specifications are fine, tho you might won't have enough bandwidth if you'll have 60 players on all the time.

Originally Posted by Ironboy500[TW]
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Brandon, why on earth does he need 8 or 16 GB of RAM for one SA:MP server?

Your current specifications are fine, tho you might won't have enough bandwidth if you'll have 60 players on all the time.
He's running a 50-60 playerbase, depending on his script it can use a good amount of resources. Secondly, he's using a forum. If its a forum as vbulletin it will also use lots of resources. He may also have a user cp (or may add one on the feature). Your better off buying enough resources from the start so when it comes to the point you really need it you don't need to rush to get it upgraded, have downtime while it upgrades, etc

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