25.01.2013, 20:53
return SendClientMessageToAll( 0xB2FF7FFF, string ); return GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"+4000$, +2 Score",2000,3);
Hi, Know everyone an Answer?
return SendClientMessageToAll( 0xB2FF7FFF, string ); return GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"+4000$, +2 Score",2000,3);
return SendClientMessageToAll( 0xB2FF7FFF, string ), GameTextForPlayer( playerid, "+4000$, +2 Score", 2000, 3 );
SendClientMessageToAll( 0xB2FF7FFF, string );
GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"+4000$, +2 Score",2000,3);
return 1;
SendClientMessageToAll( 0xB2FF7FFF, string );
new string[24];
format(string, sizeof(string), "+4000$, +2 Score");
return 1;
SendClientMessageToAll( 0xB2FF7FFF, string ); new str[24]; format(str, sizeof(str), "+4000$, +2 Score"); GameTextForPlayer(killerid,str,3000,3); new st[24]; format(st, sizeof(st), "You died -3000$!"); GameTextForPlayer(playerid,st,3000,3); return 1; }
Thx, will that work so too?
SendClientMessageToAll( 0xB2FF7FFF, string ); new str[24]; format(str, sizeof(str), "+4000$, +2 Score"); GameTextForPlayer(killerid,str,3000,3); new st[24]; format(st, sizeof(st), "You died -3000$!"); GameTextForPlayer(playerid,st,3000,3); return 1; } |
I tested it it appear not on the Screen, the Public is "OnPlayerDeath", is the Problem that it is an Filterscript, should i add it in my main Gamemode?
public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason)
SendDeathMessage(killerid, playerid, reason); // Shows the kill in the killfeed/deathlog/death window
if(killerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID) // Valid killer, give cash+score
new str[24];
format(str, sizeof(str), "+4000$, +2 Score");
GivePlayerMoney(killerid, +4000);
GivePlayerScore(killerid, +2);
// Outside the check, handle stuff for playerid
// if killerid was INVALID_PLAYER_ID the player killed themselves (i.e. falling)
new st[24];
format(st, sizeof(st), "You died -3000$!");
GivePlayerMoney(playerid, -3000);
return 1;