[Help] Not Invoking native

Hey I just learn a bit about plugin dev. from tutorial and tried the code but some how plugin is't invoking native.

cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL KickId(AMX* amx, cell* params)

    if(g_Invoke->callNative(&PAWN::Kick, params[1]))
        g_Invoke->callNative(&PAWN::SendClientMessage, params[1], 0xFFFFFFFF, "Bye{FF0000} Bye{FFFFFF} Player.");
        g_Invoke->callNative(&PAWN::Kick, params[1]);
        return 1;
	else logprintf(cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL KickId(AMX* amx, cell* params)

    if(g_Invoke->callNative(&PAWN::Kick, params[1]))
        g_Invoke->callNative(&PAWN::SendClientMessage, params[1], 0xFFFFFFFF, "Bye{FF0000} Bye{FFFFFF} Player.");
        g_Invoke->callNative(&PAWN::Kick, params[1]);
        return 1;
	else logprintf("Problem in Function!");
    return 0;);
    return 0;
Here plugin is printing "Problem in Function!" means else statement is executing...

Here is full code:

One more question: Can we use gta sa original natives ? not samp ones...

Friend you must create the native Invoke_GetAddresses, Example:

static cell AMX_NATIVE_CALL Invoke_GetAddresses(AMX* amx, cell* params)
    return g_Invoke->getAddresses();

const AMX_NATIVE_INFO PluginNatives[] =
    {"KickId", KickId},
    {"Invoke_GetAddresses", Invoke_GetAddresses},
    {0, 0}
This serves to invoke functions to load the GameMode.

Originally Posted by iRana
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One more question: Can we use gta sa original natives ? not samp ones...
Only in client sided plugins. (however there is no official sa-mp client plugin sdk, nor even official plugin support by the sa-mp client application)

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