Chaning First time spawn

Hello. i have this wierd problem. i been lookin all over to find out what i can do to fix it.

Problem: i am trying to change player's first time spawn when they register the account. i have changed the coords under


and still no luck. Please help

Originally Posted by Jamch
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Hello. i have this wierd problem. i been lookin all over to find out what i can do to fix it.

Problem: i am trying to change player's first time spawn when they register the account. i have changed the coords under


and still no luck. Please help
it's no matter of addplayerclass, it's just adding the skin location at skin selection. look at OnPlayerSpawn

Just SetPlayerPos in OnPlayerSpawn

new Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z;
GetVehiclePos(GetPVarInt(playerid, "NGPassengerVeh"), X, Y, Z);
SetPlayerPos(playerid, (X-2293), (Y-2449), Z);

Something to do with that? cause i cant find the skin thing.

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