Run/max speed blockade problem

Hello guys is it possible to fix the problem with closed the possibility of running fast in some place like in AREA 69(? 51?) or even jefferson motel, 4 dragons or some more places:

Like i said, so in some parts in this place you can easily run fast by spamming space but in the next part of building you cant run even if you pushing a space.


And the same problem but for vehicles, some roads are blocked you cant reach the maximum speed of X car. For example i recorded the situation using a infernus. In the highway everything is ok i can drive a 200 kph, but in that road which is in the middle of the LV i can drive only with 160 kph. And it is exist in every piece of map, sf near train station for example or the road in the LS which has a sidewalk with STARS near a graveyard...

Here is second video:

Is it possible to fix it? I hope it is possible because its a bit annoying, if yes please fix it in the next samp uptade. Thanks.

Sexy textdraws you got there

The second one is probably just "realism" added by Rockstar. Try driving with the same car on a flat desert surface, you'll probably go even slower. The type of road allows the vehicle to go faster. I think this works somewhat similar in real life (better roads allow faster driving). But I'm no car expert, so don't quote me on that.

The first one is quite annoying indeed.

For those roads, as I know, you can reach the max speed with a nitrogen mod in Transfender.
The first problem has been like this since I play SA-MP, and GTA:SA also have this problem IIRC.

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