How to make a tutorial

Hi all, I'm wondering how to make a tutorial for my server. When player register himself a dialog with 1 button to start the tutorial will appear, but I don't know what to do after that. I already have made the textdraws for the tutorial, I got the co-ords for SetPlayerCameraPos. I don't want to use other dialogs to change between the "scenes" I just want the textdraws and cameras to change themselves automatically in 20 seconds. For an example you click "Start Tutorial" after that the camera faces to LSPD and you see the textdraws with information after 20 seconds the camera goes to hospital and etc. So can somebody help me to this ?


Originally Posted by Sellize
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Oh yeah, really great idea it helped me a lot... I need idea and example how to do it

You can use InterpolateCameraPos for moving the player camera from one position to other.

Originally Posted by Mr.Anonymous
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You can use InterpolateCameraPos for moving the player camera from one position to other.
I know that, but how to complete the other things ?


Wrong Section. But Here:

Originally Posted by azzerking
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Maybe you didnt get what I did mean, Im not trying to make a tutorial how to set up a server or something else, Im asking the people how to make a tutorial in my server which shows you information for the server, maybe you have played in a RP server and you know what means tutorial.

PS: Close this thread please.

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