For the love of god...will one of you nerds PLEASE

PLEASE write a "SAMP Roleplay Server Name Generator" or something. Make it epic, all "what should I name my server" threads will be directed there.

Seriously tho, I think the idea of an RP server name generator would be funny.

Or maybe use something unique made up out of your own mind

I am tired of those threads too. It isn't hard to think of a name yourself. Go open a dictionary, think of something interesting, search the word, and find some synonyms of the word. That worked once for me, but I ended up not needing to use that name.


Simple, make a dropdown box 'Select the location of your RP server' with options like Red County, LS, SF, LV etc. then just output

[Place Name] Roleplay.

Seems to be the case for most RP servers.

Los Santos Roleplay.
San Fierro Roleplay.
Dry Lake Roleplay.

Originally Posted by kaisersouse
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PLEASE write a "SAMP Roleplay Server Name Generator" or something. Make it epic, all "what should I name my server" threads will be directed there.

Seriously tho, I think the idea of an RP server name generator would be funny.
Or maybe not

Did it! Took me ten minutes. I generated these.

Best Life Roleplay
Gangster Streets Roleplay
Generation Next City Roleplay
Los Angeles City Roleplay
Los Santos Streets Roleplay
Awesome Land Roleplay
Nigga Land Roleplay
Nigga Land Roleplay
Generation Next Land Roleplay
Bone County Life Roleplay
Luxury Gaming Roleplay
Cop Land Roleplay
Best Town Roleplay
San Andreas Town Roleplay
Gangster Life Roleplay
America Streets Roleplay
Elegant City Roleplay
Los Santos City Roleplay
Cop City Roleplay
Generation Next City Roleplay
Honest Streets Roleplay
Generation Next Gaming Roleplay
Honest Town Roleplay
Adrenaline Town Roleplay
Adrenaline Gaming Roleplay
Give me ideas for the first and second words of the generated names and I'll add them! (There can be unlimited.)

EDIT: Second batch! More serious, got rid of "nigga" and "orgasmic" and other immature first words.

Ultimate Gaming Roleplay
Best Life Roleplay
Adrenaline Roleplay
South Central Life Roleplay
Adrenaline Town Roleplay
England City Roleplay
South Central Life Roleplay
Bone County Town Roleplay
Los Angeles Life Roleplay
San Andreas Streets Roleplay
Los Santos Streets Roleplay
San Andreas City Roleplay
Luxury Gaming Roleplay
Gangster Life Roleplay
America Life Roleplay
Canada Streets Roleplay
Los Santos Streets Roleplay
Elegant Town Roleplay
Elegant Gaming Roleplay
Free Town Roleplay
Amazing Gaming Roleplay
Los Angeles Land Roleplay
Wild Roleplay
South Central City Roleplay
South Central Land Roleplay

How about Non-RP RolePlay?

I'm keeping this serious because I think kaisersouse is serious!

Originally Posted by DiGiTaL_AnGeL
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How about Non-RP RolePlay?
That would be hard.
There is random mix up gamemode.

Stunts, DMs, TDMs, Gangwars, Races, Freeroam, Minigame, Minimission blah blah blah.
I think these gamemodes server is manier than the RolePlay.

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