Possible? Or Not?

Hey i was just wondering is it possible to get like a FS or something that spawns bot's in the 0.2x version of SAMP? Like a command or somethat that spawns a bot with the skin you chose and just stands there and does nothing or one that follows you or something im just looking for something that could do something like this, iv seen Videos on ******* but i don't know if there real so im asking you guys and if there is can you please give me the link for it thanks Cheers


yes it is , i saw it on a RP server but no one will release it , i don't know why

Originally Posted by The Fame
Hey i was just wondering is it possible to get like a FS or something that spawns bot's in the 0.2x version of SAMP? Like a command or somethat that spawns a bot with the skin you chose and just stands there and does nothing or one that follows you or something im just looking for something that could do something like this, iv seen Videos on ******* but i don't know if there real so im asking you guys and if there is can you please give me the link for it thanks Cheers

Possible, maybe. Existant, no. Next time search, there are at least 2 other topics regarding bots and the researching of them, as well as plenty of posts saying there is nothing atm.


Possible, maybe. Existant, no. Next time search, there are at least 2 other topics regarding bots and the researching of them, as well as plenty of posts saying there is nothing atm.

Possible, Yes. Existant, Yes. Look on ******* you will find it...

Originally Posted by The Fame

Possible, maybe. Existant, no. Next time search, there are at least 2 other topics regarding bots and the researching of them, as well as plenty of posts saying there is nothing atm.

Possible, Yes. Existant, Yes. Look on ******* you will find it...
Possible, Yes. Existant, Maybe. Coming soon, Yes.

When i say existant, i mean released on SAMP forums. There is 1 plugin which i will not name, but i have a copy and was banned from SAMP because it used the source of SAMP to simulate a connection.

Therefore, existant, no. Just wait, bot support is coming. im sure of this.

like Pghpumkin sayd i'm sure(100%) that bot's will apear..100 % working maybe not but at least 75 % working ye.
so just have patients.

Yeah, there is a huge thing about bot usage through scripting floatin around the community. That basically tells me that its gonna happen. When? we dont know.. but it will.

Hello The_Fame :P

Maybe the CAR BOTS ,
Isn't a real car , its a object moving in south east of LV . its for 0.2.5 SA:MP :

• ******* Video : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EvZMkOjpJYQ
• Topic : http://forum.sa-mp.com/index.php?topic=36378.0

or ...

Zombie Bots . Its for 0.2.2 SA:MP :

• ******* Video : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Orde1sB62E
• Topic : http://forum.sa-mp.com/index.php?topic=50824.0

I don't know anything in 0.2 version . sorry

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