SAMPQuery problem

I have VPS and installed all php modules, but there is problem with sampquery

What is the problem?

Show your PHP code maybe?


        * @author Edward McKnight (
        require("SampQuery.class.php"); // Require or include the SampQuery class file
        $query = new SampQuery("", 7777); // Create the SampQuery object
        if ($query->connect()) { // Attempt to the SA-MP server and if the connection was successful run the code below
            echo "Connected<br /><br />";
            print_r($query->getInfo()); // Print the array returned by getInfo
            echo "<br /><br />";
            print_r($query->getBasicPlayers()); // Print the array returned by getBasicPlayers
            echo "<br /><br />";
            print_r($query->getDetailedPlayers()); // Print the array returned by getDetailedPlayers
            echo "<br /><br />";
            print_r($query->getRules()); // Print the array returned by getRules
            echo "<br /><br />";
            print_r($query->getPing()); // Print the value returned by getPing
            echo "<br /><br />";
        } else {
            echo "Server did not respond!<br />";
        $query->close(); // Close the connection

 * @author Edward McKnight (

/* *****************************************************************
// SampQuery.class.php
// Version 1.0
// This class connects to a specific SA-MP server via sockets.
// Copyright 2012 Edward McKnight (
// Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License
// Credits to Westie for the original PHP SA-MP API and inspiration for this API.
* *****************************************************************/

class SampQuery {
    private $sock = null;
    private $server = null;
    private $port = null;
    *	Creates a new SampQuery object.
    *	@param $server server hostname
    *	@param $port port of the server
    public function __construct($server, $port=7777)
        $this->server = $server;
        $this->port = $port;

        $this->sock = fsockopen("udp://".$this->server, $this->port, $errorNum, $errorString, 2);
        socket_set_timeout($this->sock, 2);

    * Returns an array of server information. 
    * @return Array[]
    * (
    *   [password] => 0 or 1
    *   [players] => players
    *   [maxplayers] => maxPlayers
    *   [hostname] => hostName
    *   [gamemode] => gamemode
    *   [map] => map
    * )
    public function getInfo() {
        @fwrite($this->sock, $this->assemblePacket("i"));

        fread($this->sock, 11);

        $serverInfo = array();

        $serverInfo['password'] = (integer) ord(fread($this->sock, 1));

        $serverInfo['players'] = (integer) $this->toInt(fread($this->sock, 2));

        $serverInfo['maxplayers'] = (integer) $this->toInt(fread($this->sock, 2));

        $strLen = ord(fread($this->sock, 4));
        if(!$strLen) return -1;

        $serverInfo['hostname'] = (string) fread($this->sock, $strLen);

        $strLen = ord(fread($this->sock, 4));
        $serverInfo['gamemode'] = (string) fread($this->sock, $strLen);

        $strLen = ord(fread($this->sock, 4));
        $serverInfo['map'] = (string) fread($this->sock, $strLen);

        return $serverInfo;

    * Returns a multidimensional array of basic player information.
    * @return Array[]
    * (
    *   [0] => Array[]
    *       (
    *           [name] => playerName
    *           [score] => score
    *       )
    *	...
    * )
    * @see getDetailedPlayers()
    public function getBasicPlayers() {
        @fwrite($this->sock, $this->assemblePacket("c"));
        fread($this->sock, 11);

        $playerCount = ord(fread($this->sock, 2));
        $players = array();

        if($playerCount > 0) {
            for($i = 0; $i < $playerCount; ++$i) {
                $strLen = ord(fread($this->sock, 1));
                $players[$i] = array
                    "name" => (string) fread($this->sock, $strLen),
                    "score" => (integer) $this->toInt(fread($this->sock, 4)),
        return $players;

    * Returns a multidimensional array of detailed player information. 
    * @return Array[]
    * (
    *   [0] => Array
    *	(
    *       [playerid] => playerid
    *       [nickname] => playername
    *       [score] => score
    *       [ping] => pinh
    *	)
    *   ... 
    * )
    * @see getBasicPlayers()
    public function getDetailedPlayers() {
        @fwrite($this->sock, $this->assemblePacket("d"));
        fread($this->sock, 11);

        $playerCount = ord(fread($this->sock, 2));
        $players = array();

        for($i = 0; $i < $playerCount; ++$i) {
            $player['playerid'] = (integer) ord(fread($this->sock, 1));

            $strLen = ord(fread($this->sock, 1));
            $player['nickname'] = (string) fread($this->sock, $strLen);

            $player['score'] = (integer) $this->toInt(fread($this->sock, 4));
            $player['ping'] = (integer) $this->toInt(fread($this->sock, 4));

            $players[$i] = $player;
        return $players;

    * Returns an array of server rules.
    * @return Array[]
    * (
    *   [gravity] => gravity
    *   [mapname] => map
    *   [version] => version
    *   [weather] => weather
    *   [weburl] => weburl
    *   [worldtime] => worldtime
    * )
    public function getRules() {
        @fwrite($this->sock, $this->assemblePacket("r"));
        fread($this->sock, 11);

        $ruleCount = ord(fread($this->sock, 2));
        $rules = array();

        for($i = 0; $i< $ruleCount; ++$i) {
            $strLen = ord(fread($this->sock, 1));
            $rule = (string) fread($this->sock, $strLen);

            $strLen = ord(fread($this->sock, 1));
            $rules[$rule] = (string) fread($this->sock, $strLen);
        return $rules;
    * Returns the server's ping.
    * @return integer
    public function getPing() {
        $ping = 0;
        $beforeSend = microtime(true);
        @fwrite($this->sock, $this->assemblePacket("r"));
        fread($this->sock, 15);
        $afterReceive = microtime(true);
        $ping = ($afterReceive - $beforeSend) * 1000;
        return round($ping);

    private function toInt($string) {
        if($string === "") {
            return null;

        $int = 0;
        $int += (ord($string[0]));

        if(isset($string[1])) {
            $int += (ord($string[1]) << 8);

        if(isset($string[2])) {
            $int += (ord($string[2]) << 16);

        if(isset($string[3])) {
            $int += (ord($string[3]) << 24);

        if($int >= 4294967294) {
            $int -= 4294967296;
        return $int;

    private function assemblePacket($type) {
        $packet = "SAMP";
        $packet .= chr(strtok($this->server, "."));
        $packet .= chr(strtok("."));
        $packet .= chr(strtok("."));
        $packet .= chr(strtok("."));
        $packet .= chr($this->port & 0xFF);
        $packet .= chr($this->port >> 8 & 0xFF);
        $packet .= $type;

        return $packet;
    * Attempts to connect to the server and returns whether it was successful.
    * @return boolean
    public function connect() {
        $connected = false;
        fwrite($this->sock, $this->assemblePacket("p0101"));

        if(fread($this->sock, 10)) {
            if(fread($this->sock, 5) == 'p0101') {
                $connected = true;
        return $connected;
    * Closes the connection
    public function close() {

You didnt upload it to the correct directory.

are they both on the same file ? if so i had a similar problem and it was the host blocking udp on port 7777 try to tell the host to un block it

Also, i hope you understand what print_r does...

"Not Found

The requested URL /srv/server.php was not found on this server.

Apache/2.2.3 (CentOS) Server at Port 80"

The file isn't on the freaking directory you wanted to, Mauzen already said that.
So stop talking about php scripts, when they aren't even related to the problem!

Originally Posted by klklt0
Посмотреть сообщение
"Not Found

The requested URL /srv/server.php was not found on this server.

Apache/2.2.3 (CentOS) Server at Port 80"

The file isn't on the freaking directory you wanted to, Mauzen already said that.
So stop talking about php scripts, when they aren't even related to the problem!
Don't go raging. You don't have the best reputation in this forum. (Last time I checked, everyone hates you. :/)

And the file is not found for me. Check your .htaccess file.


Whats reputation? Everyone can get hated here from one moment to another here.
And its just like he and i said, its not found. 404. The file isnt found at all by the webserver. So it is not a permission problem, not access denied. And its not a php problem, as it would show the errors, or just a blank page then, depending on the webserver settings.

Try just a simple script just a line of echo, with the same name, and try what the browser tells then.

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