15.01.2013, 05:31
Последний раз редактировалось Desi_Dude; 16.01.2013 в 11:41.
Hello , I'm not quiet getting it, How do i save these Attached Objects with i hit the save button with 0.3e editor, If i attach them again , the co-ordinates would be resetted.. How can i make them save when i hit the save icon..
I've learnt so far is something about OnPlayerEditAttachedObject , Can anyone help me explain , how does it work ?
I'd thank you , If you help me out .
I've learnt so far is something about OnPlayerEditAttachedObject , Can anyone help me explain , how does it work ?
enum ptInfo { ptModelID, ptBone, Float:ptPosX, Float:ptPosY, Float:ptPosZ, Float:ptRotX, Float:ptRotY, Float:ptRotZ, Float:ptScaleX, Float:ptScaleY, Float:ptScaleZ }; new PlayerToyInfo[MAX_PLAYERS+1][MAX_PLAYERTOYS][ptInfo];