Question | Textdraw :)

Hey guys !

I saw on few servers that the textdraws they made are same for every screen resolution... Is there some function or tip ?

I've created a textdraw on a high resolution and than i saw on my friend pc that the textdraw size was changed (It's not clickable)

I've had experienced the same thing with a textdraw that needed to overlay the health, cash and weapon top right screen.
I suggest you make it a slight bit larges so it's atleast big enough for all resolutions. What is your textdraw for?

Level system... It's under the money, but some lines are bigger than i've created

Use textdraw editor.

Textdraws are always [ i think ] 640x480.

-> Im using zamaroht
-> I've tried to make a textdraw with zamaroht on 640x480 resolution and then i switched into 1024x740 and the textdraw was messed up

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