11.01.2013, 10:17
Hello guys.
I can't compile my gamemode. In output it says "..\core.inc(12) : error 042: invalid combination of class specifiers"
I have no idea how to fix this.
Error is in this line.
Please help.
EDIT: I'm running a Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit Servie Pack 1
I can't compile my gamemode. In output it says "..\core.inc(12) : error 042: invalid combination of class specifiers"
I have no idea how to fix this.
pawn Код:
#if defined _core_included
#define _core_included
#pragma library Core
native heapspace();
native funcidx(const name[]);
native numargs();
native getarg(arg, index=0);
native setarg(arg, index=0, value);
native tolower(c);
native toupper(c);
native swapchars(c);
native random(max);
native min(value1, value2);
native max(value1, value2);
native clamp(value, min=cellmin, max=cellmax);
native getproperty(id=0, const name[]="", value=cellmin, string[]="");
native setproperty(id=0, const name[]="", value=cellmin, const string[]="");
native deleteproperty(id=0, const name[]="", value=cellmin);
native existproperty(id=0, const name[]="", value=cellmin);
pawn Код:
native heapspace();
EDIT: I'm running a Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit Servie Pack 1