Developing a TDM - Need Suggestions and Ideas!

I am currently working on developing a Team DeahtMatch gamemode.
The following systems are ready:

Logging System (Logs)
Teams, Classes etc. etc. etc.
Register System – dFile Based
Weapon System
Weapon EXP System
Gangs System
Conquering Zones for EXP and Money
Banking System
Vehicle System
Kill Streak System
Anti-Spam System
Colored Tags System
Illegal Job System
Ping Auto-Kick System
Activities System
Administrators System

* I have some systems in development that are unique, therefore I will not post them here.

Do you have any suggestion for some MUST-HAVE systems for me?
(I'd like if the systems were unique, that you will invent..)

Switch dFile to MySQL to be able to create an UCP easier.


* Chose/pick weapons or a weapon shop ?

* Capturable areas/places ?

I don't get more ideas now I will post/edit again if I get more ideas...

The first comment. So maybe you can make some group system that will update their score and other information on website.

I'm making the mode with him.
I'm the responsible for dfile, because I cant run on my own PC the WAMP Server, meaning no MYSQL available for me...
davve - both are already in the list, if you didn't see.
Any more suggestions?

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