11.02.2009, 13:38
hey, well iv'e got a stats bar wich shows ur deaths and kills ECT but wen i make it show under OnPlayerConnect it makes a new WHITE textdraw ?? and wen i take it away from OnPlayerConnect, it says that samp-server.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close ...
but id'e like the textdraw to show ONLY if your logged in, ofcourse, if i place my Textdraws under dcmd_login, i connect to server, and wen i /login samp-server.exe crashes and same goes with OnPlayerSpawn o.O can someone help me? here's my code : http://pastebin.com/m27e7378d
someone please help me this is just getting frustrating now -_- iv'e read ALOT of topics on how to update ect..
but it updates EVERYTHING WORKS FINE exept, i dont want it under OnPlayerConnect, anywhare else i put it = CRASH
so if you can, place it whare it needs to be JUST so it shows wen u login, heres some pics of what i mean with the new textdraw it creates :
THAT SHUD NOT BE THARE ( and wen i die the real textdraw that SHOULD show shows.. but that stupid white one stays? someone help me.. dont ask my to search iv'e searched for 3days! well, thanks in advanced.
EDIT: also, wen i kill someone i get the person i killed stats.
EDIT: crashinfo.txd - Exception At Address: 0x00479BE4
EAX: 0x00000000 EBX: 0x00000100 ECX: 0x00000040 EDX: 0x7EFEFEFF
ESI: 0x00000000 EDI: 0x00C9AB28 EBP: 0x00000000 ESP: 0x0013FC48
EFLAGS: 0x00010212
but id'e like the textdraw to show ONLY if your logged in, ofcourse, if i place my Textdraws under dcmd_login, i connect to server, and wen i /login samp-server.exe crashes and same goes with OnPlayerSpawn o.O can someone help me? here's my code : http://pastebin.com/m27e7378d
someone please help me this is just getting frustrating now -_- iv'e read ALOT of topics on how to update ect..
but it updates EVERYTHING WORKS FINE exept, i dont want it under OnPlayerConnect, anywhare else i put it = CRASH
so if you can, place it whare it needs to be JUST so it shows wen u login, heres some pics of what i mean with the new textdraw it creates :
THAT SHUD NOT BE THARE ( and wen i die the real textdraw that SHOULD show shows.. but that stupid white one stays? someone help me.. dont ask my to search iv'e searched for 3days! well, thanks in advanced.
EDIT: also, wen i kill someone i get the person i killed stats.
EDIT: crashinfo.txd - Exception At Address: 0x00479BE4
EAX: 0x00000000 EBX: 0x00000100 ECX: 0x00000040 EDX: 0x7EFEFEFF
ESI: 0x00000000 EDI: 0x00C9AB28 EBP: 0x00000000 ESP: 0x0013FC48
EFLAGS: 0x00010212