Where to get these shoes ?

ok a friend of mine wants to get this shoes called Adidas Adizero Sonic 3
and i cant find them any where i mean anywhere.
so if anyone could help me out find them in any country it does matter where just need to buy these shoes

i searched on ebay/amazon/sportsdirect/Jd/addida(itself)/****** and just cant find them.

They seem to be almost 9 months old! Noone wants to wear last year's shoes, they are old, and out, and not modern anymore. They are even too old for adidas as it seems, so they act like they never heard of them by stopping their production and removing them from their website.

Your only chance will probably be to get a used pair in a fitting size from ebay or a second hand shop, might take a while till you find them in there, so either your frined comes up with a lot of patience, or he needs to watch out for another model that "survives" longer than 9 months.

(beware of sarcasm by the way)

lol 9 moths old, allow it then gonna tell him to choose another model(no point).

If your friend is a woman, http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/ADIDAS-ADI...item33787e40e5

What the fuck are those shoes..?

lol, /shoecol 126 1 much? i hope you get those, gl! heheh

Check this website http://www.prodirectsoccer.com/

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