Isn't 128 the maximum length for sent client messages?

The code:

pawn Code:
public OnPlayerText ( playerid, text[] )
            Float:      charPos [ 3 ],
                        chatStr [ 128 ],

                        plUserName [ MAX_PLAYER_NAME ];
    GetPlayerPos ( playerid, charPos [ 0 ], charPos [ 1 ], charPos [ 2 ] );
    GetPlayerName ( playerid, plUserName, MAX_PLAYER_NAME );
    for( new user; user < MAX_PLAYERS; user ++ )
        if( IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint ( user, 20.0, charPos [ 0 ], charPos [ 1 ], charPos [ 2 ] ) )
            if( GetPlayerVirtualWorld ( user ) == GetPlayerVirtualWorld ( playerid ) )
                format ( chatStr, 128, ""#INT_CHARACTERNAME"%s "#INT_GREY"says: "#INT_WHITE"%s", plUserName, text );
                SendClientMessage ( user, -1, chatStr );
                format ( chatStr, 128, ""#INT_GREY"DEBUG: "#INT_WHITE"Character Count: "#INT_CHARACTERNAME"%d", 61 + strlen ( text ) );
                SendClientMessage ( playerid, -1, chatStr );
                return false;
    return 1;
61 is the length of the integrated colors and "says:"

No it's 144 chars but to write in the chat it is 128 chars

Oh, that makes sense. Thanks!

Originally Posted by 2KY
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Oh, that makes sense. Thanks!
If search sometimes for limit then look there

PHP Code:
Text I/O     128 cells (512 bytes

PHP Code:
const message[]    The text you would like to displaymax len displayable144 

You know why it's 144? It's this:
24 chars (MAX_PLAYER_NAME) + 2 chars (: and a space after it) + 128 (max length chat message) = 144.

Also note that "lol" is cut off at the end in your screenshot, when the string is posted in the chat.

...minus the color formatting characters makes colored chat texts a little shorter, i figured that out when i placed 8 colors in a chatline, so the text got shorter with each color added.

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