New Generation - MySQL Server

Hello SAMP Members,

((Well,I am not sure if this is the correct section,but i am gonna post this here.))

A new generation is emerging - the well known "MySQL"! The latest-created servers are synced with a MySQL Database (as far as I know)
I am making this post because i want answers to some of my questions,so if you got time,I would please you to help me with the stuff below:
  • First of all,what are the advantages of syncing your SAMP server with MySQL
  • Seconly what are the disadvantages of the MySQL server?
  • Would you suggest to a newbie scripter (like me) to sync his server with a MySQL Database?
  • If yes,would you help him (actually me ) sync his server with MySQL?
As for the first option,I am a newbie developer/scripter on SAMP.But I got some knowledge about how to install MySQL server,how to make an connection*,make databases or tables*,insert .sql files,making back-ups for your server*
In my opinion,MySQL Databases are more organised than the old Dini files,smarter and more efficient,but should someone trust it?

** Using "Navicat for MySQL" - More information can be found here:

Summing up,I would really like to thank you in advance for reading my post and I appreciate every answer!

Best Regards,

((PS: Reply even if you cannot answer to any of my Questions! I want a discussion,feel free to share the things you are thinking! ))

I would recommend you to try it its a good saving system but you wont learn if you don't try


Thank you for replying to my post.I was looking arround the plugins section and I found this: - It seems to be an plugin which sync your serverfiles with an MySQL database if I am not mistaken.While i was reading the "Installing documentation" I found this:

Move mysql.dll (windows) or (linux) to your 'plugins/' directory. On windows you'll have to download the mysql library (libmysql.dll, see downloads) and move it to your main server directory. The server configuration (server.cfg) has to be edited aswell.
So the only thing i got to do is to add "mysql.dll" and "ibmysql.dll" to my plugins,and its over?I thought that it was much more difficult,like installing SQL files databases and etc..??


Originally Posted by geohareas
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So the only thing i got to do is to add "mysql.dll" and "ibmysql.dll" to my plugins,and its over?I thought that it was much more difficult,like installing SQL files databases and etc..??
Plugins are just the first part in making your server MySQL based. You have to even edit your gamemode to make your server deal with SQL. Here I got some tutorial about MySQL:

Setting up MySQL database [For newbies!]
Making a MySQL system

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