27.12.2008, 20:26
•Why am I releasing it
My friend asked me to release so we can see people like it or not!
Alot of teleports
/drifts - 73 Drift teleports
/special - 22 Map teleports
/drags - 6 Drag teleports
/airports - LS,SF,LV Airports
/tune - 6 Tune shops
/vehiclelots - Plane/Car/Moto lots
/parkours - 5 Parkour teleports
/stunts - 40 Stunt teleports
/motocross - 5 Motocross teleports
/amminations - LS,SF,LV Ammunations
/interiors - 13 Interior teleports
/others -
/chilliad /garage /area69 /ball /basejump /bowl /bridge /andy /buns /cage /cake
/bomb /quarry /skatepark /derby /bridge2 /cafe /cardealer /eggs2 /fcs /hqcc /hqrb
/bigjump /spawnls /LV /SF /LS /cargal /carpalace /dm /keep2 /leap2 /outer /pj
/policeSF /policeLV /cg /crooked /dunes /eggs /field /forest /pool2 /adminhq /srs
/policeLS /goldenbridge /graveyard /golf /golf2 /gym /hazzard /hippy /tools /tree2
/dam /wang /LC /jumpshaft /hobo /hoop /hotel /inn /kanada /keep /water
/desert /shooter /lake /alien /leap /mafia /military /monster
/trainstation /seaside /bumbercars /motel /movieset /rbed
/fight /spawnsf /backfliptrain /grovest /pier /pimp /pool
/ridge /rockman /sb /sv /5towers /tie /tree /tunnel /drop /drop2 /drop3
/help /teleports /health /flip /kickpassengers /shelp
/cash /god /camera /parachute /kickpassenger /whisper /shout
/scount /lock /unlock /bigfall /purchase /callmycar /talk
/times /rules /leave /speakas /start
/getcash /invisible /wipe /colors /visible /ccount
/skins /rconcommands /looknorth /looksouth /lookwest
/lookeast /lookcancel /teleports2 /givecash /away /back
(It looks like there aren't much commands but it are more then you think
This script is created by DC
Thanks to SangerSpy
Special Thanks to Spy'z
This script includes stuff from Seif_
If i forgot your name here, im really sorry!
This server is scripted with 0.1b pawno, if you use another one you'll see warnings
No errors
No Warnings
I've fixed all of them yesterday!
I've only released the Main script, I didnt release the filterscript cause its Mabako's Admin script and im not releasing stuff from other people, they have to choose if they release or not! I'm sorry.
Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/f57559ae6 (source)
Rapidshare: http://rapidshare.com/files/17734991...am_v2.rar.html (.rar)
SkyDrive: http://cid-0f28095c9185b415.skydrive...eroam%20v2.rar (.rar)
SpeedShare: http://www.speedshare.org/download.php?id=08CCD9523 (.rar)
I allow mirrors
My friend asked me to release so we can see people like it or not!
Alot of teleports
/drifts - 73 Drift teleports
/special - 22 Map teleports
/drags - 6 Drag teleports
/airports - LS,SF,LV Airports
/tune - 6 Tune shops
/vehiclelots - Plane/Car/Moto lots
/parkours - 5 Parkour teleports
/stunts - 40 Stunt teleports
/motocross - 5 Motocross teleports
/amminations - LS,SF,LV Ammunations
/interiors - 13 Interior teleports
/others -
/chilliad /garage /area69 /ball /basejump /bowl /bridge /andy /buns /cage /cake
/bomb /quarry /skatepark /derby /bridge2 /cafe /cardealer /eggs2 /fcs /hqcc /hqrb
/bigjump /spawnls /LV /SF /LS /cargal /carpalace /dm /keep2 /leap2 /outer /pj
/policeSF /policeLV /cg /crooked /dunes /eggs /field /forest /pool2 /adminhq /srs
/policeLS /goldenbridge /graveyard /golf /golf2 /gym /hazzard /hippy /tools /tree2
/dam /wang /LC /jumpshaft /hobo /hoop /hotel /inn /kanada /keep /water
/desert /shooter /lake /alien /leap /mafia /military /monster
/trainstation /seaside /bumbercars /motel /movieset /rbed
/fight /spawnsf /backfliptrain /grovest /pier /pimp /pool
/ridge /rockman /sb /sv /5towers /tie /tree /tunnel /drop /drop2 /drop3
/help /teleports /health /flip /kickpassengers /shelp
/cash /god /camera /parachute /kickpassenger /whisper /shout
/scount /lock /unlock /bigfall /purchase /callmycar /talk
/times /rules /leave /speakas /start
/getcash /invisible /wipe /colors /visible /ccount
/skins /rconcommands /looknorth /looksouth /lookwest
/lookeast /lookcancel /teleports2 /givecash /away /back
(It looks like there aren't much commands but it are more then you think

This script is created by DC
Thanks to SangerSpy
Special Thanks to Spy'z
This script includes stuff from Seif_
If i forgot your name here, im really sorry!
This server is scripted with 0.1b pawno, if you use another one you'll see warnings
No errors
No Warnings
I've fixed all of them yesterday!
I've only released the Main script, I didnt release the filterscript cause its Mabako's Admin script and im not releasing stuff from other people, they have to choose if they release or not! I'm sorry.
Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/f57559ae6 (source)
Rapidshare: http://rapidshare.com/files/17734991...am_v2.rar.html (.rar)
SkyDrive: http://cid-0f28095c9185b415.skydrive...eroam%20v2.rar (.rar)
SpeedShare: http://www.speedshare.org/download.php?id=08CCD9523 (.rar)
I allow mirrors