INC help

I am using WackoX's OnplayerHealthChange etc. functions
but when i put #include <wxpublics>
i compile and get
fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "wxpublics"
im sure i put the file in the right folder cuz i tried it with another include file in the same folder
what am i doing wrong?
EDIT: I tried Dragsta's "[INC] CoolBacks!" INC file too and that didn't work

[img width=960 height=768][/img]

is the name of the include correct?

did you put the .inc in pawn foldeR ?

@ Danut:
im sure i put the file in the right folder cuz i tried it with another include flie in the same folder

Originally Posted by Rks_
is the name of the include correct?
Yup i renamed it and it still didn't work

Dunno if this will help but anyways,

make sure it is a inc file and not a text document.

even though i don't get that error i still can't get that INC file to work

Originally Posted by (FF)TeddyBear
Dunno if this will help but anyways,

make sure it is a inc file and not a text document.
yup i made sure its a INC File

If you have multiple samp server folders with pawno be sure to open the script with the right pawno that has the include in the include folder

I had an error like this before, I just pasted the inc file into every folder in the SAMP server directory lol. (It worked btw)
Try that.

Originally Posted by [TT
TrueChocca ]
I had an error like this before, I just pasted the inc file into every folder in the SAMP server directory lol. (It worked btw)
Try that.
Lol got my hopes up but it didn't work ... >.<

Originally Posted by John.
If you have multiple samp server folders with pawno be sure to open the script with the right pawno that has the include in the include folder
ironically i do have multiple SAMP server folders but thats on an external hard drive, but just in case i put the INC file in there too but it didn't work >.<

Delete them all, save all your needed inc+scripts and make a new place to script. if that makes sense.

Originally Posted by (FF)TeddyBear
Delete them all, save all your needed inc+scripts and make a new place to script. if that makes sense.
it does make sense
but didn't work ....
im starting to think its the INC file but that doesn't explain why i have the problem and other ppl don't

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