/changenick and /setscoreall

Hey guys, first of all, Merry Christmas.
Now I'm working on this server and I'd appreciate if I got some assistance with both the /changenick and /setscoreall cmd. I'm using dcmd and If anybody would just like to help me out by typing both codes down for me or give a brief tutorial on setting up the codes, that'd be just fine. Thanks.

I'm not into dcmd but:

pawn Код:
for(new i; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
    if(!IsPlayerConnected(i)) continue;
    SetPlayerScore(i, 5000);
This code would set all the currently online players' score to 5000. You would have to include sscanf to make a /setscoreall [amount] command.

Use SetPlayerName to set a players' nick.

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