[HELP] Crashing gamemode

Hey guys, I'm having problems with my server . Whenever I start my server it works fine, but completly random it crash gamemode and sa-mpserver.exe running.I've tried to remove all my filterscripts and I also tried to redownload the server package from sa-mp.com and replaced samp-server.exe with the one in the default server package. So yeah, Im going trough my gamemode now to check what might be causing it, but it's big and will take time.
However! When player connect to my sever , randomly it'll crash and mode Roleplay converted to mode base.all command can not be used . in Meanwhile sampsever.exe still running . When i use command , server will says: Unknow command; but this gamemode use ZCMD , MYSQL and can operate on a certain time....sorry for bad english
some pictures:

Well if you server really randomly crashes, then you should take a look at your timers, also checkout if your scriptfiles is containing the correct folders and files which are needed.

I would have suggested to use Chrasdetect plugin to find the problem. 90 % of all the chrashes will be shown in the terminal when it crashes. Then it will be easier to track the correct problem. Here is a link to it:

The plugin will most likely show which file which causes it to crash, and might tell you what problem there is.

Good luck!

how to use crashdetect?


[19:30:48] [debug] #0 00000008 in public PaintballArenaUpdate () from vnpla.amx
[19:30:48] [debug] Run time error 8: "Heap underflow"
[19:30:48] [debug] Heap pointer (HEA) is 0x12FDF8, heap bottom (HLW) is 0x1183AF8
[19:30:48] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[19:30:48] [debug] #0 00000008 in public ServerMicrobeat () from vnpla.amx
[19:30:48] [debug] Run time error 8: "Heap underflow"
[19:30:48] [debug] Heap pointer (HEA) is 0x12FDF8, heap bottom (HLW) is 0x1183AF8
[19:30:48] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[19:30:48] [debug] #0 00000008 in public playerTabbedLoop () from vnpla.amx
[19:30:48] [debug] Run time error 8: "Heap underflow"
[19:30:48] [debug] Heap pointer (HEA) is 0x12FDF8, heap bottom (HLW) is 0x1183AF8
[19:30:48] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[19:30:48] [debug] #0 00000008 in public VehicleUpdate () from vnpla.amx
[19:30:48] [debug] Run time error 8: "Heap underflow"
[19:30:48] [debug] Heap pointer (HEA) is 0x12FDF8, heap bottom (HLW) is 0x1183AF8
[19:30:48] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[19:30:48] [debug] #0 00000008 in public ServerHeartbeatTwo () from vnpla.amx
[19:30:48] [debug] Run time error 8: "Heap underflow"
[19:30:48] [debug] Heap pointer (HEA) is 0x12FDF8, heap bottom (HLW) is 0x1183AF8
[19:30:48] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[19:30:48] [debug] #0 00000008 in public ServerHeartbeat () from vnpla.amx
[19:30:48] [debug] Run time error 8: "Heap underflow"
[19:30:48] [debug] Heap pointer (HEA) is 0x12FDF8, heap bottom (HLW) is 0x1183AF8
[19:30:48] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[19:30:48] [debug] #0 00000008 in public ServerMicrobeat () from vnpla.amx
[19:30:48] [debug] Run time error 8: "Heap underflow"
[19:30:48] [debug] Heap pointer (HEA) is 0x12FDF8, heap bottom (HLW) is 0x1183AF8
[19:30:48] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[19:30:48] [debug] #0 00000008 in public TurfWarsUpdate () from vnpla.amx
[19:30:49] [debug] Run time error 8: "Heap underflow"
[19:30:49] [debug] Heap pointer (HEA) is 0x12FDF8, heap bottom (HLW) is 0x1183AF8
[19:30:49] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[19:30:49] [debug] #0 00000008 in public MoneyUpdate () from vnpla.amx
[19:30:49] [debug] Run time error 8: "Heap underflow"
[19:30:49] [debug] Heap pointer (HEA) is 0x12FDF8, heap bottom (HLW) is 0x1183AF8
[19:30:49] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[19:30:49] [debug] #0 00000008 in public PaintballArenaUpdate () from vnpla.amx
[19:30:49] [debug] Run time error 8: "Heap underflow"
[19:30:49] [debug] Heap pointer (HEA) is 0x12FDF8, heap bottom (HLW) is 0x1183AF8
[19:30:49] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[19:30:49] [debug] #0 00000008 in public ServerMicrobeat () from vnpla.amx
[19:30:49] [debug] Run time error 8: "Heap underflow"
[19:30:49] [debug] Heap pointer (HEA) is 0x12FDF8, heap bottom (HLW) is 0x1183AF8
[19:30:49] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[19:30:49] [debug] #0 00000008 in public playerTabbedLoop () from vnpla.amx

i have a crash when use this plugins

please help me...

could be you use too small array for strings, or you formating something wrong, show us one of the callbacks where this error appears eg. PaintballArenaUpdate ()

here sir
// Timer Name: PaintballArenaUpdate()
// TickRate: 1 secs.
task PaintballArenaUpdate[1000]()
	for(new i = 0; i < MAX_ARENAS; i++)
	    if(PaintBallArena[i][pbActive] == 1)
	        if(PaintBallArena[i][pbGameType] == 3)
	            if(PaintBallArena[i][pbFlagRedActive] == 1)
	                if(PaintBallArena[i][pbFlagRedActiveTime] <= 0)
	                    PaintBallArena[i][pbFlagRedActiveTime] = 0;
	            if(PaintBallArena[i][pbFlagBlueActive] == 1)
	                if(PaintBallArena[i][pbFlagBlueActiveTime] <= 0)
	                    PaintBallArena[i][pbFlagBlueActiveTime] = 0;

	        // Inactive Players Check
	        if(PaintBallArena[i][pbPlayers] > 1)

			if(PaintBallArena[i][pbTimeLeft] == 300-1)
			    SendPaintballArenaMessage(i, COLOR_YELLOW, "Five minutes left in this round!");
				//SendPaintballArenaSound(i, 1057);
				////SendPaintballArenaAudio(i, 5, 100);

			if(PaintBallArena[i][pbTimeLeft] == 180)
				SendPaintballArenaMessage(i, COLOR_YELLOW, "Three minutes left in this round!");
				//SendPaintballArenaSound(i, 1057);
				////SendPaintballArenaAudio(i, 4, 100);
			if(PaintBallArena[i][pbTimeLeft] == 120)
				SendPaintballArenaMessage(i, COLOR_YELLOW, "Two minutes left in this round!");
				//SendPaintballArenaSound(i, 1057);
				//SendPaintballArenaAudio(i, 3, 100);
			if(PaintBallArena[i][pbTimeLeft] == 60)
				SendPaintballArenaMessage(i, COLOR_YELLOW, "One minute left in this round!");
				//SendPaintballArenaSound(i, 1057);
				//SendPaintballArenaAudio(i, 2, 100);
			if(PaintBallArena[i][pbTimeLeft] == 30)
			    SendPaintballArenaMessage(i, COLOR_YELLOW, "30 seconds left in this round!");
			    //SendPaintballArenaSound(i, 1057);
			    //SendPaintballArenaAudio(i, 6, 100);
			if(PaintBallArena[i][pbTimeLeft] == 12)
			    SendPaintballArenaMessage(i, COLOR_RED, "Sudden death, 5 seconds left!");
			    //SendPaintballArenaSound(i, 1057);
			    //SendPaintballArenaAudio(i, 37, 100);
			if(PaintBallArena[i][pbTimeLeft] == 7)
			    SendPaintballArenaMessage(i, COLOR_YELLOW, "Round Over!");
			    //SendPaintballArenaSound(i, 1057);
			    //SendPaintballArenaAudio(i, 20, 100);
			if(PaintBallArena[i][pbTimeLeft] >= 1 && PaintBallArena[i][pbTimeLeft] <= 7)
			    foreach(Player, p)
					new arenaid = GetPVarInt(p, "IsInArena");
					if(arenaid == i)
						TogglePlayerControllable(p, 0);
						PaintballScoreboard(p, arenaid);
			    //SendPaintballArenaSound(i, 1057);
			if(PaintBallArena[i][pbTimeLeft] <= 0)
					winnerid = SortWinnerPaintballScores(i),
					string[60 + MAX_PLAYER_NAME];

			    format(string, sizeof(string), "%s has won $%d from the Paintball Match, thanks for playing!",GetPlayerNameEx(winnerid),PaintBallArena[i][pbMoneyPool]);
			    SendPaintballArenaMessage(i, COLOR_YELLOW, string);
			    foreach(Player, p)
			        new arenaid = GetPVarInt(p, "IsInArena");
			        if(arenaid == i)
			            PaintballScoreboard(p, arenaid);
			        	TogglePlayerControllable(p, 1);
			    foreach(Player, p)
			        new arenaid = GetPVarInt(p, "IsInArena");
			        if(arenaid == i)
			            LeavePaintballArena(p, arenaid);


help me !!!

please help meeeeeeeeeeee

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