ServerStocks includes

Hi all, Today I have Downloadet an GM and In THE gm are these includes:

//======================== [ Defines ] =================================//
#include "../ServerStocks/Defines.pwn"
//================================================== ====================//

//============================== [ News ] ==============================//
#include "../ServerStocks/News.pwn"
//================================================== ====================//
//======================= [ Stocks ] =======================//
#include "../ServerStocks/Stocks.pwn"
//==================== [ Functions ] =======================//
#include "../ServerStocks/Functions.pwn"
//================================================== ========//

And I have searched in NET and finded:
But I have many problems
Who can give me a good ServerStocks With any ERROR [Please] ?
ThX a LoT!!

Ok, let me get this straight.

You are new to scripting and thus you download a GM, this GM is probably not released on sa-mp forums as it obviously doesn't have the correct includes. So you ******d a GM, found it and downloaded it.
Now u ******d for the right includes, found some but they don't fit and now you created this thread so we can help you trying to get the right includes for your stolen/downloaded GM.
That is your situation, am I right?
P.S. This script you downloaded is it called 'The Eclipse'?

Now I searched the net for a minute, no idea why I am actually helping you, its some sort of guilt feeling.. anyway I found a gamemode that includes these serverstocks,

Now mods, I have no clue what the rules are about posting URLs, but I downloaded this file no virusses or anything, just a complete gamemode...

Back to you David, hope this works for you.

These includes you're looking for are not official, so, in my opinion it'll be really hard find them. Probably they were made by the same scripters who made the GM.
EDIT: Oh, posted at once Mike.

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