this one single line crashes my complete compiler(showplayerdialog)

hey everyone,

this one single line crashes my entire compiler... and i cant find wuts wrong with it...

pawn Код:
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_RULES, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "StreetRodZ Rules", "{FF0000}StreetRodZ Rules:\nYou may NOT begg for admin! doing so could result in a Ban!\nAdvertising will lead into a STRAIGHT ban!\nDo NOT ask for VIP! only way to get it is at {FF0000}[url]\nSwearing/Insulting[/url] an Admin/Player will result in a ban/kick/mute!\nDont Spam the chat or you get kicked\n\nNot keeping to any of this rules will result in a ban!\n\nhave fun!\n\n{00FF00}Greets\n{0000FF}Niels\n{FF0000}Ruben", "Accept", "Decline");
anyone has idea?

greets niels

Look right here:


Try removing the "[url]" and tell me if it still crashes.

that [url] is from this forum, in the script it aint there, and i did some more searching on it, and i found out that when removing this it DOES compiles, meaning there is something wrong with this part:
pawn Код:
that is the last part of the dialog... and it seems that is causing it, though i wouldnt even know wuts wrong with it...

The problem there is that the dialog is too long try it this way
pawn Код:
    "StreetRodZ Rules",
    "{FF0000}StreetRodZ Rules:\nYou may NOT begg for admin! doing so could result in a Ban!\nAdvertising will lead into a STRAIGHT ban!\nDo NOT ask for VIP! only way to get it is at {FF0000}[url]\nSwearing/Insulting[/url] an Admin/Player will result in a ban/kick/mute!\nDont Spam the chat or you get kicked\n\nNot keeping to any of this rules will result in a ban!\n\nhave fun!\n\n{00FF00}Greets\n{0000FF}Niels\n{FF0000}Ruben", "Accept", "Decline");

already tried that... and it didnt worked, also when i removed it, it didnt said it is too long and it didnt crash, so i removed those last lines, though its strange...

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