Map On Radar

Hello ppl

I got new "city" on the sea and i also got "map" pic of it but i don't know how to add that "map" to radar so all could see it.

I am not sure is this even possible but if someone know how can he explain pls

Here is the pic of it

ps ( I don't want gangzones )

AFAIK there's no way to manipulate the in-game radar/minimap.


and i got 1 more problem... i am too lazy to search on forum but how to fix removebuildint crashing shit..

If it is crashing, make sure you have all RemoveBuildingForPlayer lines under OnPlayerConnect, and preferably in your gamemode file rather than a filterscript. If you have it under OnPlayerSpawn or OnGameModeInit, it might cause the server to stop working properly.

i had it on playerspawn

then i was testing it with /kill every 7-8 time I type kill game get frozen :S

then i put it under onplayerconnect and again every 3-4 time i get in my screen got frozen and i need to close the game with task manager

Don't have answer to your question, but your city is pretty epic!

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