People Who Understand HTML!

Hello guys i am working on a school science fair project, i am a complete newbie to the HTML/CSS/PHP, things,
i am doing all the work by getting help from around the web and researching, but sometimes it's faster when you,
ask someone in a live-chat for example , now i would be glad if someone gave me his Skype for helping, i won't,
annoy you, i will just ask simple questions when i have them.

Thanks in advance!

P.S Mods please do not delete this without any prior warning please.

Skype: cnk-midle I know advanced, HTML and Fairly know PHP i have websites too. If you need help add me. I'll be glad to help you out.

Feel free to contact me via Skype or MSN

If you don't know how to do something in HTML, you can probably easily find solutions on ****** in 90% of cases.

HTML is a markup language, not a scripting language, visit, my dog can learn it.

Add my skype. schurman8

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