pickups dont get created...

hey everone,

these pickups dont get created.. idk how, i also have other which are created same way as those and they do work, only those dont..

pawn Code:
mgdmpickups[0] = CreatePickup(362, 3, 3173.7703,-5148.0420,19.9078, 6); // minigun
    mgdmpickups[1] = CreatePickup(362, 3, 3227.7327,-5245.0283,24.2328, 6); // minigun
    mgdmpickups[2] = CreatePickup(362, 3, 3227.0522,-5267.3745,27.3782, 6); // minigun
    mgdmpickups[3] = CreatePickup(362, 3, 3102.0000,-5244.8477,24.2328, 6); // minigun
    mgdmpickups[4] = CreatePickup(362, 3, 3115.5771,-5233.0112,20.0550, 6); // minigun
    mgdmpickups[5] = CreatePickup(362, 3, 3166.2205,-5215.0942,13.9187, 6); // minigun
    mgdmpickups[6] = CreatePickup(362, 3, 3134.0278,-5208.1572,16.2005, 6); // minigun
    mgdmpickups[7] = CreatePickup(362, 3, 3120.9492,-5144.4766,20.0940, 6); // minigun
i have that in my ongamemodeinit but they dont get created, even when i tp to the coords they arent just there.

anyone knows why they arent getting created?

greets niels

Are you sure, your virtual world is 6 and you can't see them?

yes my virtual world is 6, i even used /setworld, i use virtualworld 6 for deathmatch, so thats the reason i have set it to 6, and no i cant see it it... i also tried setting my interior to 0 but nothing happened... idk but they just dont appear...

That's right, tried it and same results, maybe the minigun pickup id is bugged idk.

read wut i said earlier, my virtual world IS 6, i use it for dm world


Okay then, make sure that the coordinates are correct and also the interior, it might be DM in interior?
Since the VW is correct, if nothing happens, try using Incognito's Streamer instead!

i already checked the interior, and the coords as i said i tped to 1 of em, and it wasnt there, so yes i will try to use streamer plugin hope it works

Do you have this line in your gm/fs?
pawn Code:
new mgdmpickups[8];

Originally Posted by DiGiTaL_AnGeL
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Do you have this line in your gm/fs?
pawn Code:
new mgdmpickups[8];
If he didn't have this, he'd get error. He didn't mention about errors!

Pickups that are far out to sea have never worked properly. There is nothing you can do about it, but moving your map closer to land.

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