04.12.2012, 02:12
I give Rep., please, help me ! 
Hey guys, what's wrong here, please? '-'
The dialog box:
Now how it's shown:

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Hey guys, what's wrong here, please? '-'
new GlobalString[200][200]; new FlightPlace[][] = { "zhou test xp xp xp xp", "zhau test xp xp xp xp, "zhiu test xp xp xp xp", "zhxu test xp xp xp xp", }; public OnZBCDayChange() { if(GetDay() == ZBC_MONDAY) { new FD = random(MAX_FLIGHTS_PER_AIRPORT); new x = 0; for(; x < FD; ++x) { new FP = random(sizeof(FlightPlace)); format(GlobalString[0], sizeof(GlobalString), "%s\n", FP); strcat(GlobalString[1], GlobalString[0]); } } return 1; }
case 0: ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, xieng_dialog, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "Flight information", GlobalString[1], "Ok", "");

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