01.12.2012, 23:34

- MP/H
- Shows the Speed ??Vehicle in MP / H.
- miles traveled
- Shows the KM traveled the Vehicle.
- place
- Shows the location where you are.
- vehicle
- Shows the Vehicle if you stay in 1.
- bodywork
- Shows the metal surface of the Vehicle.
- gasoline
- Shows Gasoline Vehicle.
- Taken for Bikes!
- Tire Wear
- Shows the tire wear Your Vehicle.
- Taken for land vehicles.
- Pinch a Right Front Tire when is 15%.
- Pinch a Left Front Tire when is 10%.
- Pinch a right rear tire when it is 5%.
- Pinch the 4 tires when it is at 0%.
- shield
- Shows the shield of your Vehicle.
- If you want to by all the cars in the Max Shielding born with.
- v1.0
- 13 Gas Stations LosSantos, SanFierro and LasVenturas.
- Can not Fill the gasoline, and the Bike Shield.
- There may also Arrange Tire Vehicles not land.
- System Panel Dialog
- 3D TextLabel
> image soon

Speedometer for Bikes

How to config:
pawn Код:
#define POSICAO 1 // Position Speedometer
/* #define POSITION 1 - IMAGE: http://i45.tinypic.com/2wroz6a.jpg
#define POSITION 2 - IMAGE: http://i48.tinypic.com/105v8ci.jpg */
#define MAXPLAYERSJFS 50 // Slots of the server
#define BlindagemTodosVeiculos 0// put 1 if you like all vehicles armoreds
#define DesgasteMAX 100 // Max. of tire ( 100% )
#define BlindagemMAX 100 // Max. of shield ( 100% )
#define GasMAX 100 // Max.of gas ( 100% )
#define Tempo 15000 // Time to reduce gasoline
#define TempoDes 30000 // Time to reduce
JFSSpeedometer1.amx place the folder "filterscripts" and then put in server.cfg:
pawn Код:
filterscripts JFSSpeedometer1
Investments in Small Codes: DrakinS
Main tips/Translated: URSS_Morelli
Original topic: https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=396699
Download include zcmd: http://pastebin.com/cM2r3vqe
Bugs and Tips Notify me!