Connection Problem.

Basically when I join NGRP or couple other RP Servers it says Joining..Connected then after 5 seconds it will say Server i is Restarting then give me back the Connected message, I reinstalled my GTA and deleted gta_sa.dat.

Dont tell me its my internet because others are having the problem and my internet is fine, I reinstalled my game and did everything but ye still doesn't work

Also don't say I'm Firewalled because I'm not.

it's ur internet problems... or either check your firewall

best of luck =)

* remove sa-mp, reinstall GTA-> download sa-mp 0.3d latest version.. try different server

It works for other servers but only NGRP And couple others.

Same Thing!

You have SA-MP 0.3e 1000 player version?


Did you try to change modem ?

Sounds like you got yourself banned on those servers.

Maybe you're a victim of a rangeban.

No rangeban on that server im a vip there how will i be banned lol when i connect it laggs im not banned cauz
it connect's to the game and laggs there, this happend 4 months ago now im playin on RSS Romania super stunt this bug happens some times i close my modem and open it and it works but in uif i connect same problem

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