
Why always my ping High ? around 600-700? , can someone help?

I always try to restart my modem and etc.. but nothing

Try http://www.pingtest.net/

It can also be to do with where the server you are connecting to is located in the world.

Originally Posted by weedarr
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Try http://www.pingtest.net/

It can also be to do with where the server you are connecting to is located in the world.
I already did this but its doesnt help me...Maybe i need to change the modem?

Does it happen with every server?


High ping could be caused by:

downloads/torrents/heavy streaming on any computer/phone on your wireless/ethernet network
Bad cable(s) feeding modem/switch/hub/client
Problems/saturation on your circuit or at the provider location
If DSL: noise on phone line
If Cable: bad coax/coax connector

Things you can do to test (Windows)

Windows Key+R
type "cmd" (no quotes) and hit ENTER
type "ping /t ******.com" (no quotes) and hit ENTER (you can change ******.com out w/ regional ****** servers here.

Change out cables and see if things improve. Also go around and turn of ANYTHING that could be connected to your network. This includes game consoles, satellite/tv/dvr box, smartphones, etc. See if the ping response "time" changes as you change things.

Also, if you know someone local w/ the same ISP as you, have them try the ping stuff and see what they get for a response time.

PS tell someone around Abas 16 to clean up their mess:

it depends on the location of the server or your internet

Yh ok i will try what you guys told me .. thank you for help anyway.

Try contacting your ISP. Also check if anything is being updated in the background, like an anti-virus update etc.

Originally Posted by Makaveli93
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Try contacting your ISP. Also check if anything is being updated in the background, like an anti-virus update etc.
Oh , I will try it

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